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"It's a game we play."


MY EYES WIDENED at this question, hesitating for a moment, as I pulled on my bag strap. There were no excuses I had prepared and it wasn't like I could exactly tell him who I was running away from and the reason why-

His hazel eyes narrowed down on me raising a bushy eyebrow as he folded his arms, leaning in,

"So..." he dragged, "is there a reason why you were hiding behind a bench?" he asked.

I glanced down at the spot I had been occupying only seconds ago, before gingerly looking back in his direction, though my eyes refused to meet his, still quite embarrassed at my current predicament.

All I ever really wanted was to stay out of trouble but like a bad teen movie, I was back to square one, bumping into Lucas Bowne, one of the last people on earth that I ever wanted to meet.

Not because he was by any means unpleasant, but quite the contrary.

Knowing what I know now, Lucas Bowne was the 'it factor,' and if I was to stay off the spotlight and blend in, the best I could do was stay away from him. I momentarily glanced behind him, making sure the hallways were still empty before turning to him with a smile that kept faltering as I signed-

"I-I'm waiting for someone," I signed, carefully and slowly as I remembered he did say something about not being able to understand fast hanging motion.

Acting is not as easy as you'd think, as I found it extremely challenging to keep eye contact.

He paused at this revelation, glancing back to where he came from, "And is he running late?" he asked.

"SHE," I corrected, faster than I would have liked. I faltered for a moment trying to fix my ramble, "S-She is running a little late," my hands paused a while as I thought of my next sentence, "Claire gets distracted easily," I cringed the moment I finished signing the sentence.

I was not proud of throwing her under the bus like that, but it was for a good reason, honest to goodness.

"Claire," he repeated, his eyes holding something I couldn't quite pinpoint, "That's your red friend from the Library, correct?" he asked with a smile on his face showing those perfect straight white teeth.

Get a hold of yourself Talanda!

I nodded returning the smile, trying to manage my breathing to not give out the fact that I was lying like a dog.

"Ah, I see." He trailed off looking back down at the bench, "and I guess it would be easier for her to spot you hiding behind a bench," he pressed on.

My gaze faltered as I stuck a hair behind my ear, trying to find the right words. I was not a good liar at all. I didn't know how to cover things up. Mom, Dad, Gravis, Zali, and even Lance could figure out what I did in the thirty minutes after I committed the act. I then realized it was better to come clean once and for all.

I had found the punishments to be more bearable and with the added guilt-free emotions. I did not work well under pressure, heck I hardly ever worked at all. Believe me, when I say I was standing there being caught in a lie red-handed made me so irrational that I signed the first suggestion my exhausted mind popped up.

"It's a-a game we play."

I froze after signing this, cringing at my excuse but covering it up with a nervous chuckle, brushing the whole thing off, but his hazel eyes told me one thing.

He wasn't buying a word of what I was saying, and from the amusement that danced behind those pretty eyes, he was willing to play the game.

"Hide and seek, huh?" he huffed, "well it has been a while since I played," he expressed, before leaning in, "so it's like your thing?" he added his eyes squinting at me.

I tugged nervously at my back strap, nodding in the most unsatisfactory way known to man. I honestly even felt a nervous sweat coming on.

He nodded shrugging.

"Well, then here's a tip," he began taking a step toward me, his tone was low when he spoke, lowering down a little to at least give a little more respect to my tiny height, "Maybe pick a bench where you aren't directly facing a mirror."

My eyes traveled to the large mirror that had been set behind me, my fed-up reflection looking back up at me like the idiot I probably was. If anything, I felt downright foolish. I had one stupid job, stay out of sight and here I was, as visible as ever.

"Just a heads up," he added, with a slight shrug.

"Noted," I signed defeated, eyes to the floor, pursing my lips in a firm thin line.

"Good," he replied, before stepping away from me, "I should go, I don't want to blow your cover," he mused with a slight chuckle.

I kept my hands to my side only nodding as his shining eyes gave me one last look before walking towards the door. It was only then that my eyes raised enough to see him almost walk out the door when he stopped, his hand on the door frame, pausing for a second before turning back around and folding his arms.

"Oh and I assume you know that this is a Greens Colors Class," he replied with a low grunt, "Reds class is down the hallway," he added glancing down to my red band before landing back up at me, eyes dancing in amusement.

I immediately pulled my sleeve over my wrist, my cheeks heating up in the embarrassment of having been caught by Lucas Bowne no less. What the heck was I thinking?! He was an Original Five, he had to be smart dang it, Lira said so herself, and now here I was making a fool of myself.

He chuckled at my reaction, a genuine smile forming, "I'll see you around Crazy Locks."

I stood there for a moment, waiting for him to disappear.

Crazy Locks? Really?!

So, this was going to be a thing now? I closed my eyes breathing in, before opening them again, allowing myself to relax. It was only then I walked out of the classroom moving as quickly as I could.

The day was not mine, and so instead of going to lunch, I was going to throw myself in my sheets and sleep until Afternoon Origins Class. Walking through the now sparsely populated hallways, I came out into the King's Courts where more students lounged by. I didn't look around much but from what I could tell Claire was not anywhere near me.

The best thing I could do right now was to sleep, and sleep I would. Moving as quickly as I could, I made my way to the dorms, walking past the girls until I reached my room number, unlocking the door with a slight sigh-

"Oh you're back-" A familiar voice said.

I turned around immediately freezing in place, my heart jumping out of my chest and my blood running cold, fingers curling into fists.

Daya stood before me, with her red jacket in her arms, but I was staring at the figure that was seated at our desk, a book in his hand he had brought to his face, silver rings gleaming around each finger.

The book shielded his face from me, but the chill in the air and the hairs that were standing upright on my neck were enough for me to guess, and guess correctly.

"Talanda," Daya began calmly, "this is Harvest," she introduced as my heart pounded out of my chest. I watched as the book lowered revealing cold icy eyes staring at me.

I took an intimidating step back when he stood up, towering over everyone else in what I now realized was a very tiny room.

He outstretched an arm, and I could feel my hand rise out of its own accord and a dark smirk appeared on his features, "Adams," he stated a dark gleam in his eyes, "Harvest Adams." he finished.

Literal meaning of you can run but you can't hide.

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