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The last thing I could handle was a werewolf, the last thing I wanted to be attached to me was a dark deception vampire like the Vizire. In real life, those kinds of connections were not particularly ideal.


"IT WAS AN eternity of peace, and stability, of prosperity and eternal life. No death, no tears, no bloodshed. But we must realize that the darkness came from creation and it shall follow creation wherever it goes. There was no guardian system built for Criptus as was built with earth. The inhabitants themselves were their own guardians and that is why even now, they contain a power that is more than any other being in the known universe.

Younglings, you must take note that the Deceiver is not human or any being that can naturally be seen. Much like the Designer, they are forces beyond anything imaginable. They exist all around us, where we go, whatever we see, whatever we think, what we say, what we do..." he trailed off his hand skimming the surface of Derek's desk, "and even what we touch."

There is only one thing the Deceiver desires, to be able to create as the designer creates. But he himself is created from the creations of the Designer, so he can never be his equal, therefore he cannot create.

This is why he deceives and transforms perfect creations into deceptions. These deceptions are what attacked Criptus. They were not deceptions such as those found on earth, such as the Vampires, demons, or the sirens, or the Dark Fae, he trailed off.

"These were made of Dilectus themselves, those who wanted more..." he trailed off his eyebrows drawing together before his tired eyes rested on the classroom,

"But Dilectus are not built like the mortals or the guardians of the earth. They were special designs of the Designer himself, therefore once corrupted they do not merely become bad. Their souls do not have a designated afterlife as humans do. They were designed to never die, and so they turn into Deceptions similar to what humans call Djinn, but what should be called Dorjin. A flow of combined dark energy swept through Criptus in a bloody war. For whatever the Darkness cannot own, he destroys.

Earth has experienced many wars, in different times and in different regions. Even your world wars don't really cater for every single nation in the earth realm. This is why you can only imagine the amount of power that was dispelled in one battle to rid a whole planet out of existence," He took a breath out leaning against the front desk.

"More than 3 thousand years ago Criptus was destroyed. And those that survived found the earth, descending from the stars. The first sighting of Dilectus was Africa, Ethiopia, and Egypt. And just like that, the so-called gods arrived.

They discovered that the universe around them was significantly different from their own. The beings on the planet were bound to simple things like Fate, like death, fear, injuries, heartbreak..." he trailed off a smile enlightening his face, "you see Dilectus didn't know of heartbreak, they were built in perfect pairs that balanced each other out according to their gifts. They called this Perfect Counters. Your other half, your equivalent."

"D-don't werewolves and vampires have the same thing?" David asked, confusion written on his features.

"A werewolf's mate is known as estheraï, A vampire redeemed is known as a Beloved. A human's one love is called a soul mate but a god's one true heart is known as a Perfect Counter. It's so much more than attraction, or human definition of love..." he grinned chuckling, "it's a balance, something that completes you." Mr. Ogustus replied.

My eyebrows remained creased. Mates? Soul mates. Oh, that was easy. I was a sucker at a lot of things and yes, another thing that I was a complete sucker for was romance and a good one true love story.

Maybe it was the reason why I enjoyed movies such as twilight and books like Fallen. It seemed beautiful to know you had someone out there created for specifically you to love unconditionally.

I was all for that idea because I've seen a love like that with my own two eyes.

Mom and Dad. A smile grazed my face at that thought. Oh, to be loved. It was one thing I could hope for. A simple solid love story.

As much as I loved reading all those fantasy books about guys who were faster than sports cars and nearly immortal or fallen angels doomed to love one woman for all eternity, my time at Kingsland taught me one thing.

The last thing I could handle was a werewolf, the last thing I wanted to be attached to me was a dark deception vampire like the Vizire. In real life, those kinds of connections were not particularly ideal.

I may have had a small crush on one of these converts, AKA Lucas Bowne, but if Harvest had taught me one thing, it was that I cannot handle being forever attached to a convert or a deception.

Luckily for me, well for the converts, it seemed these so-called Perfect Counters were specifically created for the pure-blooded Dilectus or the gods.

My eyes narrowed down on the light expression Mr. Ogustus had as he paused, his eyes trailing around the classroom. My guess was that he saw how confused we were at how Perfect Counters could be possibly different from soul mates or Beloveds.

"It is not for your young mind to understand what a Perfect Counter was."


"Because after the gods left Criptus they discovered the pleasures of men, around beings that were easily corrupted and in turn they themselves corrupted. They discovered that among humans were Possible Counters..." he trailed off, "women and men that they were attracted to other than their own Perfect Counters. I shall not go into too much detail," He cleared his throat standing straighter, "history has recorded how playful the gods became, and the lust they could not overcome."

I had read enough books on Greek mythology to know of the notorious ways of the so-called gods.

"When beings that could bend space and time and do magic different to that of the dark guardians that already ruled the earth, the people naturally turned their praises to the new gods. This as you would imagine did not sit well with the Dark Guardians also called the Fallen, demons, or the Ancients. And so there was a war that wiped the earth to a state of almost intinction

The war of the Great Flood."

I adore Mr. Ogustus.

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