[90.1] THE VISIT

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I SPENT THE night in the Sickbay. Miss Moonshine came in with an evening meal and some medication to help with the slight headache I had from my mind being prodded.

Sleep soon overtook me, as I tried to keep my mind blank, fluffing the pillow and sighing, my eyes closing.


I flipped through the pages of my notebook, my eyes trailing over the poems I had written. I couldn't believe I had already filled up my book.

Well, to be fair, the pages weren't a lot and I did tend to write one phrase covering a whole page so I could get a point across. My eyes trailed to the crumpled pieces of paper a few paces away from my bed, remembering the rage that bounded through me when he was here.

I sighed, running a hand through my stubborn hair, fingers latching onto my roots as I tried to comb through it.

I glanced down at the gown I was wearing, one that made me feel like I was really at a hospital. Feeling bored, I decided to explore the sick bay.

It was almost like the one I had been put in when I first arrived but this one was different because I could see the crown courts from here.

I moved to the window peering down, noticing the uniformed students heading into the crown. That's right- It was time for classes.

I groaned at the thought of missing classes, I wanted to learn more with Miss Almulese but Miss Moon Shine had said I needed a little bit more rest.

The only thing that soothed me was the fact that the first periods were probably human subjects as Miss Almulese had said before.

Your typical mathematics and its sciences. Hopefully, I wasn't missing out too much.

I turned toward the door when I heard a knock, my eyes landing on Gravis who stood by the open door, a shine in his eyes as he stared at me-

"Rough week?" he asked, and I couldn't help the smile that spread onto my features.

If you told me I would be this happy to see Gravis about a month ago I probably wouldn't believe it, but now the mere sight of him standing right in front of me brought a fondness and much-needed stability in my heart.

I missed home badly and he was the only one that truly reminded me of it.

I nodded at his question, it was the second day of the week and so far none of it was going as planned. He took a step in, folding his arms.

"Good to see you're doing better," he grunted, his jaw clenching, "I have suggested to your Alpha that he keeps you out of any convert activity for now," he began taking a firm stance in the middle of the room.

I cocked an eyebrow at this-

"No one will be suspicious but as you heal from this traumatic experience, you shouldn't use your dilect- " he added, a slyness to his tone.

A wave of understanding flooded my face.

I guess this whole incident would save me somehow from the Combat classes whenever it was required to use a dilect, well at least for now.

I nodded in understanding and he returned it, pursing his lips, "on another note," he began and my eyes trailed up to him, hand on the window sill, "someone's awake." He spoke lowly.

My eyes widened at this, my heart beating softly within me. I signed away the one-word question eating at my brain,


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