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"You're never going to find out all of life's secrets if you always do as you're told,"


I ZIPPED MYSELF up, feeling compact in my combat suit.

With my best effort, I did what I could to gather my wild locks into one fluffy bun, relieving my shoulders from their weight.

That was it, I was ready for combat classes it seemed.

I was still curious as to the so-called Practice Inter Colors Game, but despite my curiosity, I was much more interested in something else.

My eyes landed on the school bag that was on my bed, staring at it for a few seconds, before moving toward it

Rummaging through, I took out the wand that was inside it, the rough sides of it a ragged like nature, perfect for grip between my slender fingers.

I probably needed to use this in the Intercolor Games, however discreetly.

Miss Almulese had warned me to keep it out of sight if one read between the lines.

Grunting, I proceeded to take out the two books I had checked out from the library, my breathing becoming much more ragged as I stared at each.

It felt like the pages were whispering to me, telling me that they had answers to the secrets I had been boggling myself with all this while.

I placed them to the side, as I didn't think it was ideal to carry them to the Cube.

Plus the last thing I needed was Harvest seeing them. No, He shouldn't.

I packed them away, also noting to myself that the culprit Yellow still had my pink notebook with a scoff.

Finally grabbing my bag, I walked toward the door, almost getting knocked down, by Lira's Knuckles.

"There she is, Miss Oops I've disappeared," Lira huffed, as Claire came into view, also dressed in her combat suit.

"I told you she was in here, she probably was taking a nap or something," Claire added, glancing from me to Lira.

"Good thing she's ready to go," Lira muttered, "C'mon reddy, we still have another blue to pick up," she grunted moving past me, blowing a bubble.

My eyes narrowed at this, but Claire was there to the rescue, having seemingly read my expression.

"Andrew passed by," she grinned, "he had one last purple turbo gum," she added with a slight eye roll.

My mouth formed an O, completely understanding it now, and I turned around to lock the door.

"Were you at lunch reddy?" Lira called from a little way ahead of us, her arms folded.

I froze at this question, sideglancing at Claire as she spoke.

"Yeah, we looked everywhere for you- you missed breakfast and lunch," she huffed, "are you sure you're okay? If you're not, I didn't think it's wise to not go to the games, maybe take a trip to Miss Moonshine," she offered.

"It amazes me, Claire," Lira began, turning around fully, and walking backward, as her eyes narrowed on the girl.

"How you ask a question, answer it, and provide a solution, all in the same sentence," she grunted, "Talanda didn't say she was sick, and she certainly doesn't look like it either," she contended, "so tell us reddy- where were you?" she finished, eyes now steadily on me.

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