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"A man did earn both his respect and his redemption"

AS THE arena emptied, Lira, Claire David, and I proceeded down the bleachers, watching as several greens that had already made it into the dome celebrated Andrew's win, blocking him from view until are reached the glass dome.

We stopped by the sides, peering into the dome, just in time to catch the celebration in full swing, the crowd parting when Lncas Boume stepped in.

He immediately engulfed Andrew in a brotherly bug that brought a smile to my face.

When they pulled apart, I noticed Andrew was still slightly hunched, his hand caressing his abdomen as Lucas patted his shoulder reassuringly.

Andrews's gaze fixed on our position, and it didn't take long for any of us to realize that his sole attention was on Lira, a small smile crossing his face when their eyes met.

Lira waved awkwardly whilst David, Claire and I exchanged looks, and I tried to hide my smile at the adorable moment I was witnessing.

One I never thought I would ever experience with Lira in it.

Andrew tilted his head toward the changing room, motioning to Lira as the rest of the greens moved off and she nodded discretely, whilst the three of us pretended not to notice.

*Uh- I'll go check up on him, he might have won but he still got his ass kicked," Lira muttered

"Absolutely, you go and do that. After all, it's not like werewolves heal faster than an orange ever could," David teased with a cheeky smile.

Claire smacked his arm, whilst I pursed my lips stopping the chuckle that was threatening to catapult.

Lira's eyes narrowed on him unimpressed but said nothing moving around the dome to the changing rooms.

*Okay, so that happened," Claire grinned looking back at the three of us as Lira disappeared out of sight.

We held on to nothing, bursting out and laughing out loud.

We then proceeded to take a seat on the bleachers as we waited for Lira to come out.

David and Claire basically explained the whole fight to me as they described each scene, reliving the most epic moments that I had been unfamiliar with as for more than half the fight, I was quite preoccupied with someone else.

At the thought of him, I instinctively glanced at the chair he had been seated in, now only a few paces away.

I could almost see him relaxed over it, his hands moving across those blank pages. I caught myself daydreaming just in time, refocusing on the conversation David and Claire had at the table.

A few greens soon walked out of the door, accompanied by Lucas Bowne, chatting away.

He looked my way, waving as he passed by and I nodded discretely, watching as they moved up the bleachers and out of the Arena.

"Seems like Lira and Andrew are all alone in there, " David commented, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I wonder what on earth could be going on up there," he hummed.

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