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"Farewell  younglings."


"THOUGH THE GODS are no longer among us, there are those guardians that have existed, that have protected Kingsland to this very day. Human men that were appointed by the gods and whose generation has lived to safeguard and protect Kingsland from the outside world even as the technological world begins to bloom.

From the disappearance of the gods till date, these human guardians have left their legacies to their sons and their sons' sons for generations on end. They formed an alliance known as the Brotherhood of Kingsland. They were taught not only to protect Kingsland but to find and protect the seven demigods that are born in each generation. To train them, and to keep them from the eyes of the government and any other supernatural groups that would seek to harm them.

And from the seven Demi-gods stem the seven colors of Kingsland.

Each color is presented by an ability catered for by one of the seven demigods. There are five Demi-gods of the original seven with us on Kingsland at this very moment whilst the other two are in the outside world," He cleared his throat moving on.

"When the Conversion occurred, and all the powers of the demi-gods were returned to each bloodline, The Brotherhood realized that it was essential for the converts to be harbored in a place that was designed exclusively for them. After all, their main purpose was to protect the last of the bloodline of the gods, so they decided to expand Kingsland. It could no longer be what it used to be if more than 700,000 demigods existed all over the world."

His tone became lower, a hard look on his face as he spoke.

"After the Conversion existed those five dark years when war reigned and humans could not live beside those that were converted. It was because of many things. However, the prime reason was Fear. We cannot blame mortals for being afraid of us if we are capable of killing by merely looking at someone."

My memory flashed to the dark shadow that haunted my mind, and I felt myself shift uncomfortably when I thought of him.

"Or burn a whole building to the ground, shapeshift into animals of various sizes some even extinct, by only a mere thought. Fear is nothing but a consequence of our power. Just as humans feared the gods because of their abilities and the Fallen and Ancient gods before them, then they will fear those that are capable of nearly the same thing. But there is a big difference between humans of the beginning and humans of this time.

Though Fear reigns among them, they do not sit back and cower at the abilities displayed to them, no, certainly not, instead it drives them to create, to create weapons that would defeat us. Be it through technology or even by summoning Deceptions of the other realms. Some see we dilectus as weapons that they can tame and use for themselves, but you as dilectus are only half-gods, you will forever be human."

He sighed his shoulders falling, staring aimlessly back at us which only added to the chill of what he was saying.

Suddenly standing up and walking into the center of the class, he leaned against his cane as he faced the open window that gave us a clear look at the opposite side of the rounded building, which we called the Crown.

"Many wonder why Kingsland suddenly appeared only five years after the Conversion. It is because of everything you see around you."

My eyes looked around the room as if it was the whole of Kingsland itself.

"All the facilities, the dorms, even the systems set up to protect you. All this needed time. Kingsland went from mere grounds and forests that trained Hercules himself and other demi-gods that sprung after and before him, like Aeneas in the battle of Troy, Laon of the Philippines that slew the mighty Kanloans, that Mad dragon, Shango of African mythology and his thunder powers and Thor.." he trailed off chuckling once again to himself as if he had made a hidden joke none of us could pinout.

"And now Kingsland is this," he turned around showing us all that was around us, "The crown, The Arena, The Cube, the King's Gardens, The Kings Sceptres, Crest Grounds, The Kings Courts, and the Kingdom. All this was built so that every convert has a place they could call home. Not just a facility of training, but a place where they can discover others much like them, away from the government and among themselves. And so, Kingsland was born, infrastructure built from the ground up to the ceilings to be a conducive environment to house as many Converts as possible."

He trailed off turning back to the class as the bell sounded off in the distance. There was a slight moment of silence that enveloped us. Time seemed to come to stand still as Mr. Ogustus's hands clasped in front of him, a soft smile on his face, eyes twinkling.

"Afternoons Origins Class shall not be held by me. You along with every other Origins Class in this cycle will be required to meet at the center of the King's Courts by the platform. You will then be divided into various sectors according to your colors. It would be best if you do not arrive late at the Gathering," his soft eyes traveled the length of the classroom placing both hands on his cane, "It has been a pleasure to be your Origins Teacher. I could not ask for a better audience," he grinned a twinkle in his eyes

"But you are a week old, 6 days over the life span of a mayfly, and yet it has already lived the pleasures of its lifetime. And so, I bid you farewell as you embark on the second half of your journey for there is much more to learn from others," he smiled softly before casually turning away, grabbing his cane as he wiped the board clean before hobbling towards the door.

All this was done in our silence as if we were unable to believe that the time, we had with such a splendid teacher had come to an end.

I watched him hobble off when he suddenly stopped by the doorway, his eyes settling on us with his signature sparkle of unknown mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"After a week rightly served, I believe deserve a standing ovation," he announced clearly.

Smiles lit up the room in an instant, as we all got on our feet, clapping our tears away as if we would never see him again.

And he grinned giving us a sturdy bow, "Farewell younglings."


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