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"This is not one of those."

I SAT IN the Amory tower, flipping through the pages of a random book. There wasn't much information other than that of the obvious gods and goddesses he seemed to be quite obessessed with.

I stood up with a low sigh, running a hand through my tangled locks. The truth is, I was quite exhausted from everything that was happening in my life right now.

I felt pushed against a wall. I was like in an unspoken dilemma. Still struggling with the burden of what I had seen, of what to tell and what to keep to myself.

My eyes strayed on a book, picking it up at random with the wish of drowning myself in anything that would stop me from over thinking.

My eyes trailed over the picture of the goddess Hera, standing there in all her beauty.

I frowned at her perfectly dark flowing hair reminded of my own tangly locks, flipping the pages over, until something caused my gaze to stop between the flashing pages.

My eyebrows arched at this, flipping backwards staring at the drawing before me.

It looked like a circle with an infinity sign in the middle.

But i had seen this somehwere- I-

My heart began a deep beat within me as i pulled down my wrist comparing the scarring with what looked more and more like a tattoo the more I compared it between the two.

My heart beat faster within me as I studied the mark, it just seemed ...

The same, though parts of mine seemed missing.

What did this mean? How could I have the same mark on my wrists as whatever this was. Was it even the same thing?

This had been a rash, just a mere rash on my skin and now I was comparing it to an ancient- my eyes traveled to the title, "aeternus.'

My eyes darted to the door at the sound of a loud bang in the room.

Talos soon came into view flying the length of the room once more. I let out a short breath at the sudden interruption before shutting the book closed.

I walked out of the amory tower to the elevator leaning against the wall for a moment but still feeling like I was losing air. And losing my mind.

Comparing rashes with ancient marks. I massaged my tempo. God, I was losing my mind. Why was it so hot in here?

I tried to take deep breaths in but I began to feel claustrophobic.

The moment the doors opened I bolted out, rushing up the stairs and taking a short gasp.

I was beginning to feel like I was having a pnic attack, but I wasn't one to know as I never had one before, and yet the hardness in my chest felt really close to one.

Knowing that the halls were empty I guided myself with slow breaths, leaning against the empty hallways of the crown.

It was best I headed back before Claire began to worry.

Any minute now, she would be knocking on my bedroom door, i reasoned checking my watch.

I shouldn't act suspiciously. I should pretend that everything was okay.

My hand traveled down to the trinket dangling on my neck, my fingers clasped harshly around it.

I missed my mother a lot. This was the very first time I truly ever felt far from her, but it was comforting having a piece that she treasured around my neck.

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