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"An ancient being told by many a sailor at sea."


I MOVED TO STAND beside him releasing a deep sigh as I stared out into the dark space before us. Taking a large step back when I realized just how steep this cliff, we were standing on was, I glanced at Gravis.

"Careful," Gravis grunted, raising an eyebrow as I adjusted my position, breathing heavier at the height and the sight of the waves below bashing against the jagged rocks. When I was finally calm, I glanced back over at him, folding my arms, only now appreciating the cool breeze that was coming from the sea, no matter how chilly it was.

I wanted him to look back at me, so he could see me sign the questions I wanted to ask. So many things I wanted to know.

If he had summoned me, it must be for a reason. Maybe my Dad was here or Mom was finally awake. I could feel my insides itch as I stared at the side of his calm face in anticipation. Come to think of it, I had stared a good many times at that side of his face over the years.

Usually happened outside my father's office, whenever he had a meeting with delegates or other presidential visitors from different countries. I would stand for hours staring up at Gravis begging him to open the door so I can tell Dad it was time to weed my little garden and feed the ravens.

After all the ravens were his pets, not mine.

Over the years, I heard learned whenever Gravis looked straight ahead and not down at my pesky signings, he either wanted me to wait or simply to listen. Having had this lesson learned, I took a calm breath in, looking out at the ocean. The waves were restless tonight so it was impossible to see the reflection of the Stars on its turbulent surface.

"Your father sent word-" Gravis stated, immediately drawing my attention back to him. I could feel my heart softly hammer against its cage as I watched him. I wanted to know what he said, but patience is what I needed for Gravis to continue speaking.

"There was a Convert attack at the Summit, as was suspected," he said finally turning back to look at me. My eyes were already wide at the sound of this news, my breathing already increasing with each sound of a wave against a stone.

My hands signed away the question on my mind, "W-was anyone hurt? W-was he hurt?"

Gravis shook his head, a ghost of a smile on his features, "it takes more than a bomb to kill a man like your father," he slowly grunted, his hands clasping behind his back as he looked forward, "the outside world is in chaos little one," he huffed, his shoulders falling, "but it is not the first time the world has been through disasters, this too shall pass."

I released a shaky breath, turning back to the ocean. The sigh of it seemed to calm me down more. I couldn't imagine what was happening outside if the summit was bombed. I didn't know if it was terrorists or Rogue converts, either way, none of them were more desirable than the other.

"Your Father wishes you remain on Kingsland," Gravis continued, "it is safer for you and the Queen. It seems there are some converts who know of his identity as the King of Kingsland. They seek to destroy it," he muttered.

My eyes fell to the ground at the sound of this. I always thought of my Father as the greatest man to ever walk the earth, just because he was so wise and kind and just. I was disappointed he hid the truth about Kingsland from me to some extent, and yet I understood why it was essential it be kept a secret. I had only been on Kingsland for less than a week but all I had seen so far was the great things this place was doing for the convert population, Claire's story being of major inspiration.

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