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Keep your enemies close.


I STARED DOWN at the shadows that crossed the evening below, almost as if I would end up seeing that dark coat slipping away into the darkness once more, but it never came.

I turned back into my empty room, a hand over my heart, breathing in slowly.

I kept thinking about what Harvest had done to Roman and his gang of fire elementals.

My mind flashed back to the night of my second death, at the sight of his big black wings and I gulped.

I knew no one else knew about Harvests' wings or else Lira would have said something by now.

She seemed to be an expert on all things Original.

From what I could tell, all anyone knew about Harvest was that he was a really good mind reader or was it a mind controller?

But to what extent did they know about his abilities? Did they know he could put his voice in people's heads or control someone's whole body?

I doubted they knew the first one but Lira had said Harvest could stop someone's heart by merely commanding it to, so maybe people did know he was a mind-to-body controller, and the way he shut down Roman elements just reminded me of how dangerous he could be when he wanted to be.

But no one knew about his wings.

Yes, that I was sure. My mind flashed back to his wings jutting out of his back as he stared down at me whilst I sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Not even a flinch." He had growled out.

I leaned back against the table still in deep thought. At that time, I did know that no one knew about his wings, but in that instance, I simply did not care to understand more because that would only put me in deeper trouble with him and I was not the type to just randomly put my life out on the line.

At least not purposefully, since I have already done it unintentionally a few times.

But now, something bad was brewing inside me, and I could feel it. It was called INTEREST, INTRIGUE, and CURIOSITY.

And I felt it deep in the pit of my stomach that it was going to lead me to deeper trouble, but now that I had already started making an effort to stand up to him, no matter how shallow that was, there was no harm in knowing what he could do right?

Especially in my situation, I mean he said it himself.

Keep your enemies close.

I needed to know what it was he was capable of and why he insisted on hiding parts of what he was from the rest of Kingsland.

His dark eyes flashed into my mind, and my breathing deepened when I remembered the sight of his pitch-black eyes hovering over me whilst I bled out.

I touched my heart, before looking down at my hand and noticing that it was shaking,

He had done something to that siren. Was it the same thing he had done to Roman?

No- there was something different.

My mind flashed back to how the siren had disintegrated in front of my eyes. It was a blurry sight to me but I knew what I had seen.

She had become nothing in a matter of seconds.

He could do that too. But what was it? What did she do and what did she give me that gave me my life back?

I touched my lips, feeling a little bit flustered before shaking my head.

That didn't count as a kiss. No- that was to save my life. Some sort of recitation.

My first kiss would not be remembered like that.

At the sound of the key turning in the door, I was snapped out of my thoughts, heading back to bed, throwing the covers on me and cuddled in turning to face the wall, my eyes closing as the door opened and closed, footsteps and a soft sigh ringing from the room.

Daya was back. Early this time.

I took a shallow breath out, finally shutting off my senses to her shuffling around in the room, as I let sleep overcome me.


The next day was a literal breeze. I was glad for today, because first of all, the incident between Harvest, Lucas, Daya, and I was a thing of the past.

The new Gossip at Kingsland was the fact that Vampires had appeared in the heart of the Crown yesterday.

Even through all my normal morning classes, attending mortal subjects, I couldn't keep my eyes from the window, looking down straight at the Sword and Crown, remembering the air bubble that Gravis had put around them to keep the Old Blood and the Strigoi in.

I wondered what could have been the urgency that Stragoi appeared in broad daylight if it was true that they were immune to the sun's rays.

I hummed at this thought, before looking back up at the front, jotting down a mathematical problem as it was being taught.


The day was passing by in a calming breeze and by afternoon break, David, Claire and I sat on the benches on top of the library.

Only the second time I had been here since the first day I came to Kingsland.

I looked down at the vastness of it in all its glory ooking down as David much on a hamburger and I sipped on some water, whilst Claire, nibbled on some carrots.

We could see the students moving about in the King's courts, the outline of the maze, and the Fare-born forest in the long distance, whilst in the other direction, the pathway to the Scepter was intercepted by students dressed in red, walking to and fro the crown.

"OOO, there they are!" Claire huffed pointing out at a random group of boys wearing black clothing that resembled a prisoner's attire.

Big trash bags in each hand and a stick to pick up trash in the other hand.

Yes, Roman's group had also been punished by cleaning up after us for two weeks as part of their three-strikes punishment.

It seemed odd to see them like that, lifeless as they picked up lunch packs and bottles that were being disposed of.

They seemed miserable at best since their powers were taken away from them.

Well, now they could somehow relate to how I felt every day. Cheers to the human club, because at this point, that was what they were.

David and I chuckled at the sight of them, before looking back up at the view, taking the sight in.

When we were done, I was the only one remaining with a half-eaten burger in my hand, whilst David took it upon himself to dispose of all the liter we had created.

"Are you done with that?" Claire asked me, and I looked down at the burger in my hand, before looking up at the raven that was perched on the side of the building, seemingly not caring about twice.

I walked near it but stopped a god ways away giving it the remainder of my burger before moving along with David and Claire to Afternoon Origins Class.

I Hope you enjoyed the new update! Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on the book. Remember, comments make an author ☺️

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