[153] SCARS

400 52 4


Deeper Pockets


"I think you need to get some rest, miss all-nighter" Lucas advised, as we came to a stop in the middle of the crossroads, leading to the boy's and girls' scepters.

The morning was still fresh, but being a Saturday, everyone was still sound asleep.

Only a few red and orange firewall recruits spotted in instances disappeared down the corridors to get their much-needed rest.

I stifled down a yawn I had been in the middle of but nodded as his eyes danced in amusement.

He handed me the bag he was so graciously lifting for me.

I took it with a thank you smile.

He took something out of his pocket, my eyes narrowing down on it as he lifted it for me, "It's probably best to not forget these either," he added handing me my keys.

My mouth curved into an O, but he only chuckled. "It's not your fault. You just really need deeper pockets."

I took them from him slightly embarrassed tucking them in between the pages of my notebook. His eyes lingered there for a second with another laugh and I frowned patting my book.

They were safe there. He shouldn't judge me.

And he shook his head, drawing closer, towering over me as he always did.

"Thank you," he stated, his tone low, "for being there."

My breath was hollow as I looked up into those hazel eyes, honesty shining through them.

"I needed someone, and you were there. Couldn't ask for more."

I swallowed dryly, pushing my book closer to my chest, as he leaned closer, hovering over me for a second whilst my heart beat dramatically faster.

His fingers took something from below, revealing it to be the keys I had just tucked in my book, slipping through the pages, almost about to drop again, and he took them tucking them in my pajama pocket.

"Deeper pockets," he repeated whilst my cheeks reheated, going even hotter when he placed a kiss on my cheek, drawing away with a smile on his face, before backing off backward.

"I'll see you after you get some rest," he grinned, before turning around and walking off, scratching the back of his head as he did.

I watched him for a moment, a smile on my face before turning around and walking off.

I reached my room, turning the handle, only remembering I needed to unlock it till after it budged, my ears immediately picking up the soft sounds of Daya's laugh.

I took a deep breath in, pushing the door open.

I knew it would be awkward as the last time we talked it was all about threats, but now it might even be worse given all that Lucas might have probably said to her.

Ellie was in too, seated on a chair, both still dressed in their suits, as they had both been by the firewall.

Eyes immediately attached themselves to my frame as I walked in, closing the door behind me quietly.

I hated this silence more than ever because I could feel their poisonous gazes on my back.

My one wish was that none of them would say anything to me, or even worse, ask me where I had been.

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