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"Man that was humilating."


HE RAISED AN eyebrow at me, probably wondering why the small African girl was staring at him wide-eyed I suspect, before shaking his head and delivering his attention back to an amused Lira.

"Lira Wayne," he replied whilst I watched his jaw tick before sighing, "You know why I'm here," he grunted his shoulders falling, dispelling a soft sigh.

"Of course, I do fish boy," Lira replied still with that smug look on her features.

Fish boy? Did he have fish powers of some sort? Like breathing underwater?

I could see no gills on his neck... So probably not. But what if they were placed somewhere else on his body?

My eyes trailed down his figure, trying to spot any fish scales but only coming into contact with the green band on his wrist.

I could see the tightness in Andrew's jaw as he replied, taking out a black plastic bag from his back pocket, handing it over to her,

"Good, because god knows I want this over with, " he muttered.

"Aww, don't be like that," Lira urged, taking the small package from him, "it's cute when you fail," she pouted.

"I did not fail," Andrew scoffed, glancing over at Claire and me momentarily before lowering his voice, something that changed nothing except the amount of strain pressure on my ears, "You know Thandi would have won that match, Raskei is just a cheat," he huffed.

"Nobody likes a sore loser Andrew," Lira sang, with a smug look on her face, "My calculations are always right, you should know that by now. The probability will always be in my favor, it's my dilect. Only a moron would continue to bet against me."

"You guys bet against the Red's match?" Claire suddenly asked, probably forgetting we were supposed to be flies on the wall in this conversation.

Both Andrew and Lira's eyes were now set on us,

"What does it sound like princess?" her roommate responded.

"Is that even allowed?" Claire added with a displeased tone. I could tell she didn't like it when anyone broke the rules. I was against it too.

Gambling at their age? Disaster waiting to implode.

Andrew shook his head slightly while Lira took the question head-on,

"What are rules if no one is there to break 'em, huh princess?" she grinned, raising one dark eyebrow at Claire who frowned in response, "now back to Mr. Sore Loser here," she moved on taking her attention back to Andrew.

"You know just as well as I do Thandi is one of the only ones capable of defeating Raskei and if she played her cards right she could have drowned that little-" he began explaining his fists tightening whilst he talked, "little-"

"IF is such a pretty word, don't you think so Claire?" Lira cut, slightly turning to Claire who let out an amused chuckle, as Lira opened the black plastic, "I hope everything's here," she stated, looking directly at Andrew.

He sighed in response, tucking his hands into his pocket with a nod.

Lira's eyes squinted over at him,

"My M&M'S?"


"Milky Way?"

Andrew sighed eyes trailing momentarily to the ceiling,

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