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"Who gave this to you?"


Coming out of the clearing of the bushes, still in his arms, the dimming lights of the near evening sun shone far off the distance. It made him squint slightly as he walked toward the base.

He could spot the frame of the Blue he had left, her eyebrows arching then eyes widened slightly at the sight of him and the girl in his arms.

He figured they knew each other quite well as she was always speaking up for Talanda and he had spotted them together away from combat classes on more than one occasion, although he hadn't cared to dig deeper into their relationship.

But the blue was one of the few converts that did manage to pique his interest because of her dilect, he knew had so much potential that could be unlocked if given the right chance ofcourse, if he obliged to strengthen her connection with it.

Other than that, she was one of the few of the opposite gender who though admired him, was more in awe of his gifts than his outlook.

Which is why he preferred her close when Raskei was out busy when it came to his team.

Lira was her name.

It slipped his mind sometimes but the concern written all over her face at the sight of the girl in his arms made him sure to not forget again.

She was one of the few that could be trusted with her. He felt he might need her in the future.

"W-what happened? I-Is okay?" She stuttered out as he approached, and he scoffed a little at the underline of concern in her tone, "Oh, for god's sake Reddy," she blurted out eyes on the red in his arms.

He glanced down at Talanda watching as she nodded, giving the blue a small smile as he set her down on a nearby bench.

The blue came round to check her foot which seemed to be the obvious root of her pain, thanks to being shoeless on one end.

He silently inspected how careful the blue was being with her, suddenly realizing that even though Talanda was mute, shy, and stubborn, a handful of times she managed to reel in the most unlikely of people to openly care for her.

Who would have thought that this blue who seemed more like the 'I don't care about anything'' type, would decide to soften toward her?

What powers did the girl in his arms have that even a being such as himself desired nothing else but to draw closer to her, not to mention the Gigan.

He clenched his jaw at this. She seemed to be a magnet for a lot of things.

"She's fine," Harvest grunted out, as the Blue examined it, the red flinching slightly when her hand caressed the ankle, "a slight sprain," he replied tightly, eyes meeting Talanda's who held his for a moment before slowly looking back to the leg the Blue gently let down.

"It doesn't seem too bad," Lira sighed, her arm pushing the book he had left her with closely to her chest.

"What sort of trouble did you get yourself into now T?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, scolding her like a mother would.

The red pursed her lips not saying a word.

"Raskei's Vines," Harvest huffed, as Lira looked at him.

"And w-where were you? She's not to be trusted on her own-"

He glanced at her, dark eyes narrowing on her expecting her to turn away but the blue had a pair of balls it seemed and she raised an eyebrow at him.

He grunted at this, folding his arms.

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