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"if you just let me touch you,"


I WOKE UP in a foreign place, the sun's rays crossing my exposed arm, tickling the little hairs that littered it. My eyelids fluttered open, squinting momentarily as if lost for a moment, trying to settle the image before me. A figure dressed in a dark coat came into view.

I immediately sat up in bed, pulling the covers around me, breathing heavily as I watched him, occupied by his desk with a few sheets of papers he was rummaging through, fully dressed.

"Good Morning," he grunted pulling the papers into one pile.

"It's eight," he announced, placing the papers into a folder as my widened eyes glanced down at my watch- The time reflecting through my mind.

8: 20 am to be exact.

I ran a hand through my messy hair as he turned to look at me, placing the folder on a stack of books.

"You slept like a baby," he smirked, but I wasn't listening. It was 8 am.

I had overslept- what if everyone was already up and about? How would I explain coming out of Harvest Adam's room this time?

"No one's up yet, it's a Saturday- but if you wish to keep staring at thin air for ten more minutes those odds are slipping away," he hummed turning away, back to his book, flipping one open, "as for our little experiment," he began as my eyes watched the side of his face, "there is much to do to get your dilect to work," he grunted, turning back to me, walking toward me with his hands tucked in his pocket, eyes searching mine-

I felt so exposed.

I hadn't even washed my face or brushed my teeth yet and he was already straight to matters.

What was even more inappropriate and un-gentleman-like was that He was addressing me whilst I was in bed, half-dressed thanks to his shirt.

I couldn't help but think if this had been Lucas Bowne, he would have had the decency to leave the room and ask these questions at a more appropriate time- but then again- why was I thinking of him in such a situation?

"The conductor," he continued, head slanting eyes narrowing down on me, his tone firmer, "should have loosened the barrier to your dilect, but - it isn't completely gone- now it's up to you to destroy it- if that doesn't help, you'll need a stronger conductor," he replied, pausing momentarily, " but for the next few days-" he sighed taking a deep breath in, "just do what reds do," he shrugged, "try a little magic."

I nodded at this, though my gaze was stone.

Maybe whatever the sirens did to me yesterday would work, but if not, I had been trying to do 'magic ' for a while now, but I was still vainly sure my mortal self could not take itself into the 'higher cosmic plain.'

"Of Course," Harvest began, "if you just let me touch you-" his tone was lower as he drew closer, till he was by the edge of the bed, looking down at me, "all this can be done quicker-"

I shuffled back, further into the bed, staring down at his outstretched hand, shaking my head slowly- I didn't want his hands anywhere on me, my heart beating lowly, as I stared down at it.

He withdrew it, stepping back.

"As you wish- the hard way it is," he grunted turning back to his table, "you can leave now," he announced, glancing at me momentarily, "you've got less than ten minutes," he finished, turning back to his desk.

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