Chapter 7-After School Classes

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"Remind me of why I'm here again?", I groaned. It was Monday and I had to stay back for the after school classes with Mr. Prince. I just absolutely abhor History. I don't see the sense in learning about it. Come on, Everybody is dead and ain't nobody care. Aren't we supposed to look to the future?

Mr. Prince shook his head. I immediately became uncomfortable. In the conference room at the library, although it was fairly large, the space between us felt hot and uncomfortable.

"Miss Callaway. Your history grades aren't looking so hot right now. For a college student that should not be and I know you have potential", he said softly.

I groaned inwardly," But sir, I'm not the only one who sucks at History. I don't even care about the subject."

He eyed me with interest and suddenly the walls felt as if it was coming in closer. I felt faint and distant.

"Tell me all about you Miss Callaway", he said. His gaze seemed as if it could penetrate my soul.

The faint feeling that I was feeling a while ago passed and the Alyssa Callaway that I knew resurfaced.

"How does that relate to History?", I said snottily.

"Wanna know what Alyssa mean?"

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Ugh OK. Whatever".

"Alyssa means joy and great happiness. It is of a German origin"

"The point is?"

"My point is that, you are the opposite".

"Not everybody is the same as what their names mean"

"I know that, but can't you at least lighten up", he said exasperated. But something else was in his tone of voice. Something that I couldn't put a finger on.

"As much as you would like to sit here and talk all day, Mr Prince, unlike you I have a life", I said standing up.

"Sit", he ordered.

"You ain't my daddy", I said glaring at him.

Something akin to a knowing look came across his face and I wondered if he knows my daddy. However, that vanished the second it came that I thought that I had imagine it.

"Sit, or I will send you to the Dean".

I growled softly, then sat down in defeat. I really did not want to see the Dean.



She was so damn cute. It was obvious that she did not know who I was, so my chances were better. I had looked up the definition of her name and I realized that Alyssa was definitely the opposite.

When she said, "You ain't my daddy", was when I realized she didn't know who I was. And I was grateful for that, because what I had instore for her family was not pretty. Instead, it was far from pretty.

I continued lecturing her as patiently as I can. She was intelligent, but it was evident that she put on a front to dissuade people. She even argued her points excellently and that made me wonder if she knew who I was.

I happened to glance at her small thin pink lips and something that had never happened in all my life happened. My heart began to flutter..

I cursed myself under my breath and Alyssa looked at me warily.

"You OK?", she asked.

I took a deep breath then said, "Yeah". I continued talking and although her outside spelt bored, her eyes betrayed her by conveying that she was more than interested in what I was saying.

A moment ago, I thought that this would have been easy, but I realized that this would be harder than I thought. She was simply too beautiful and innocent. She was too everything and I find myself liking her even more. I found that I want to kiss her.

"Fuck", I swore under my breath.

"Mr. Prince?", Alyssa said clearly annoyed.

"Yes", I said looking her in her hazel eyes.

"I'm going. Do I have to come back on Friday?"

Of course she had to. I love looking at her.

"Yes, I realized that you were just putting on a front so we will do this for three weeks, or until you change your attitude".

She glared at me, then stormed out the room, slamming the conference door behind her.

I exhaled, relieved that she was gone. I get too distracted when I'm around her. I need to solve this.


"Khioné", I shouted as I entered the door. I had to show her this. It was simply amazing. I know that she would love it. I had discovered it when I was on my way home from school.

"KHIONÉ", I shouted when I reach the stairs.

"Yes?", Khioné said coming out of the kitchen, her mouth stuffed.

"Mummy home?", I asked, throwing my bag on the couch.

"Kitchen", she said leading the way.

I waltz into the kitchen, high on euphoria.

"Hey mother", I said, kissing her on the cheek. Khioné sat on one of the barstools and I perched on another as I could barely contain my excitement.

Khioné continued to eat her sandwich and mum looked at me.

"What is it Lys?", she asked, doing up a salad.

"I discovered something amazing on my way home from school Mother".

She looked at me thoughtfully and Khioné had stop eating.

"What is it?", Khioné asked.

"Look at that plate of salad that mummy is holding", I said softly.

Both looked, and I focused as I did not too long ago and stared at the plate. I pictured the plate in mummy's hand rising and about ten seconds had passed before I realized that the plate had indeed levitated.

I peeked and saw that the plate was about thirty centimeters from mummy's hand. She stared at me in astonishment. A look of fear just flitted across both her and Khioné's eyes. I realized that this is bigger than what I had pictured.

I let the plate fall gently on the island, then I turned away.

"Dear child," I heard mummy said softly, "you are in great danger and its sooner than later".

Gangsta Love: Alyssa Callaway ||Ruby Angel Trilogy|| ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now