Chapter 14- Everything is falling apart

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I have never been more deceived in my life. I guess things are starting to make sense now. I mean, I was supposed to know that Mr. Prince was a gang leader, because so many persons actually said it, but did not say it. For instance, when Kayel came in the room and said, "Dad is mad, because apparently, he found out that Ice was teaching at the college".

How could I have been so gullible?

Now, I've trusted him with my secret. I've trusted the person who wants to kill me. And it hurts, because I realized that I was starting to like him. I know its insane to like a person whom you must met and whom you only spoken to a couple of times, also that person is your lecturer. But the way he gave me all of his attention in the private lessons and such, made me feel like he isn't all that bad.

Now, this has to happen and he wants to kill me. Also, he is the rivaling gang leader.

My head was spinning by now, as I tried to put all the information in order. I still don't understand how he could have been in Spain and yet be lecturing at the college.

Unless he has a twin that looks exactly like him, talks exactly like him and behaves exactly like him.

Nothing is impossible, because I have magic and I'm a Ruby Angel.

You never brought me flowers.
Never held me in the darkest hours.
Now its a little too late.
Now my heart feels nothing, nothing and towers.
Once we were made like towers.
Anything could have been hours...

I answered my phone.

"Hello", I said, calmly.

"Lyssie?", a voice said.

"Who is this?", I said, switching on my defensive mode.

"Its Rayjina".

"The other Elder", I said softly.

"Yes dear heart, you need to go home. Now!", she said.

Of course I did not hesitate. The last time I was warned and I did not pay heed, I found myself in the hospital.

I hung up and turned around. The rain had ceased and by magical intercession, my skin was dry along with my hair. My unruly hair.

I began the walk, but something caught my eyes. I thought it was a man, but it flitted by so quickly, I thought I imagined it. I scanned the area magically but I did not pick up anyone.


I began to walk faster, and I cast my senses. I don't even know how I was able to do that, especially since I'm new to this. But I guess it came naturally.

It felt as if someone was following me. So I began to walk even faster. My shoes were bearly touching the ground.

I heard a revving but I dared not turn around. I was not even tired. I then heard a voice shouting, "Lyssie, its us".

I turned around and saw that it was only Khioné and my daddy. The dark shadow that I felt following me, slipped away.

The next day, I went to school. I was dressed in color for the first time in a long time. I was wearing a gray damaged skinny jeans and a white "Yonce" tee with a grey and white Adidas.

I looked around and saw Peyton near the History room. She looked fabulous as usual and I realized that not only do I admire her but I missed her.

She was dressed to kill in a white skinny jeans, a red crop top and a white hoodie with a gray Supra.

I went and hugged her hard.

"What's the matter with you, Lys?", she asked returning my hug.

"I miss you", was all I said.

Peyton pulled me to one corner then said, "I got something to tell you".

I masked the curiosity that was about to appear on my face.

"What?", I asked.

However, we were interrupted by that bitch.

Melissa Fraser.

"Hey you. I'm getting a big birthday bash, two more days from now. On Saturday", she said, popping her gum.

"So? I'm don't want to come", was all I said.

"I told yah Mel, she can't go nowhere", her new follower Ariel said. Now Ariel was a special case. She was African American mixed with Mediterranean features. She had sultry gray eyes and long black shiny straight hair. She was so pretty, yet not intelligent at all.

They were both wearing a red Muscle tee with gray shorts and red Nikes.

Ariel really did not have a sense of individuality.

"Excuse you?", Peyton piped up, clearly annoyed.

"Everyone else is going. Even Margaret. Yet you not coming. All because you can't go nowhere", Melissa taunted.

"Exactly", Ariel smirked.

"If that's what you bitching about, I'll come.", was all I said, before I walked into the class.

Peyton wore this worried look on her face. She sat down next to me.

"Lyssie, I got something...", she was interrupted by the door opening.

"Message me ", I staged whispered.

Mr. Prince entered the room and stared at me, sympathy clouding his eyes.

I looked away.

He began to teach and i just pretended to be listening.

The bell finally rang and everyone rushed out of the class. He then pulled me aside from the crowd to his desk.

I was furious. He held me there and stared into my eyes. I looked away.

"I miss you so much ", he said softly.

I pulled away from him. And i stared at him unbelieving.

"What's the matter Lyssie?", he asked.

"You fucking betrayed me. I trusted.. "

That's when i felt it. Little baby angels were singing in my head. For some weird reason, someone was doing cartwheels also.

My skin began to tingle. And i deepened the kiss. I pressed even closer to him and tried to inhale his Sandalwood scent.

My body was responding to his kiss and i heard him groaned. That was when sense was knocked in to my head.

I pulled away and walked out of the class. The last words i heard him say was,"It wasn't me".


"You got through Mel?"

"Of course I did", Melissa replied, "I did my part, now its your turn".


"Lyssie, I know everything. I know that you are a Ruby Angel. Notice that I did not say the, but a. I know all about the dangers that you are in. I was sent by Seraphina, Rayjina and Katerina to protect you. The baby that Salias Cyrus prophesied about. You see, I also found myself in that predicament. For, I am the First Ruby Angel." ^_^ Peyton

Gangsta Love: Alyssa Callaway ||Ruby Angel Trilogy|| ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now