Chapter 17-You Betrayed Me?

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Before I go into the story, I want to start off by saying thank you very much for all the reads. I honestly did not expect so many. Thank you for all the votes. I love y'all.

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Once again, thank you very very much. Remember to Vote, Comment and Share❤. Moesha.

I can't believe Alyssa ran away. I was starting to like her. I'm not saying love, because this love at first sight thing is just cheesy. I liked her.

I sighed and leaned up on a palm tree. The way she responded to my kisses were something else. It seemed as if she likes me to but she is scared to admit it.

When she ran off, I didn't bother to follow her because I figured that she wanted some space. She looked liked a trapped rabbit when I told her I'm falling for her.

Something felt so wrong and out of place. I didn't know what it was but something just did not seem right. I began to walk in the direction she ran to. Although it was dark, there was a sliver of moonlight so you could at least see where you are going.

That was when I spotted something on the a small tuft of grass. I was going to ignore it but my mind just would not allow me to do that. I picked it up and realized that it was an iPhone 6.

My iPhone 6.

How the hell did this get here? I questioned.

That was when I saw the text.

Fuck! Someone used my phone to find out Alyssa's secret. That means she is in danger.

I began to jog. My heart beating rapidly. My breath was coming in gasps. My eyes were burning.

I saw something again in the sand this time.

A small pink bow.

Alyssa was wearing that small pink bow.


The pain in my back escalated. My eyes were stinging. I was in the dark, tied up and that was when I realized i was kidnapped.

I tried many times to try summon some form of power but each time I did, my body just weakened. I could no longer hear the voices of the Elders.

Gangsta Love: Alyssa Callaway ||Ruby Angel Trilogy|| ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now