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Like with hyenas and many other species of animals the women reign supreme in the vampire world while not on top Queens have most of the say the hierarchy in the vampire world is as follows. Elder-Queen-King-Princess-Prince-scribe-military warlords-peasants-humans.

It has been that way for over a millennia amongst the vampire kingdoms. Well yes every Kingdom has a different order to the hierarchy the humans are always below the peasants. Humans are nothing but cattle to the vampires; half bloods are an entirely different matter.

When it comes to royalty there are very strict rules every member must follow typically when it comes to marriage while not always a political matter when it does become one the rules become even stricter. In vampire royalty getting married the respective elders must show proof that not at a single point in their bloodline had one of their ancestors mated with a human for it is considered taboo to mate with mere cattle.

The bus rolled to a stop as I was shaken out of my daze. I almost hated remembering her home more specifically what brought me there. I got off the bus, my friends called my human name "Alexia, don't forget about the test tomorrow!" "I won't." I shouted back groaning over the fact that my human test the next day was over history which the teacher had taught very wrong.

I opened the door, took care of my pets and sat down in my chair to do homework which consisted of English, to me simple math equations, history, biology, theater, and writing, loving all the subjects I couldn't help but mildly despise history.

I had been there for a good chunk of it while much of it that was before my lifetime I had no clue but I often heard stories from my mother and father. Well at least before my mother got killed.

I shivered remembering that horrible night and the awful events that followed. But I can't lose focus. I'll have to dream about that tonight. I suppose for now I need to get this homework done. English, done. Algebra, done. History, done. Why on this dying Earth do I have to put false information because these human historians got it wrong. I may be from a different realm but that doesn't stop the lies.

Biology, done. Finally a subject I don't have to lie about. I could possibly further my career in it but I'd rather not get the attention it would just make it all more difficult to cover up my disappearance when I go back home. Theater, done. At least we're studying a form of theater that always fascinated me, Kabuki.

Writing, done. All I had to do was write a short story. Thankfully due to my undercover I can pass this off as an OC and original character that I created little do these foolish mortals know it's bits and pieces of my autobiography.

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