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"Please sit. The inmate will be here shortly." "Death row I presume." "Of course, the worse the crime the better the taste." Sure enough before the awkward silence could begin the sound of shackles were heard.

"Human." "Yes I'd rather not consume my own prisoners, I may be called 'blood queen' behind my back but that doesn't mean I wish to be like that Queen of England, Victoria I believe her name was."

"You know your history." "I have to be, after all I was around during some of it, according to the elders you were a part of the Inquisition how did that go?" "Dinner is served."

Damn I was actually curious how he survived the Inquisition, I've always been fascinated with it. "The hell are you people?" The inmate questioned. "Don't worry you won't feel a thing. Alexandre you take first, after all you are our guest."

"Thank you." Before the inmate could blink he was pinned to the table and was screaming from Alexandre's bite on his wrist. "Venom has been deposited and should be quiet now."

"You're much more merciful than us, we quite enjoy the screams." Marko chuckled. As we dined I couldn't help but admire Alexandre, his features made him look like he was made from the gods themselves. I can see why the Cardeil's wanted me to consider marriage with him.

The body was carted away and Marko left to give us some space for the "matchmaking process". "Firanna, earlier you asked how the Inquisition went for me why?" "I've always been intrigued by torture, one of the many things that drew me to Asian culture was their ways of punishment."

"So you wish to know if I was a victim who narrowly escaped or an Inquisitor?" "Exactly." As we conversed the elders hooked us up to the machine. "I have no doubt you can see the scars along my neck, there are more, most from the tortures they performed on me."

The caring side of me felt bad, I knew how barbaric the Inquisition was and I could practically hear Alexandre's screams of anguish but I tried to hide those feelings, the last thing I wanted was for the machine to go off.

Too late. "Feelings on both ends have been sensed. When shall we prepare the mating ceremony?" "A month from now so I can get to know his character more." "Agreed, she fascinates me as much as I likely fascinate her."

"So be it."

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