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could've read radio instructions and I'd be listening, Lewis had an almost baritone voice that drove me nuts.

"Snap out of it Alexia he only asked a question." "Try having a crush on him since fourth grade, then tell me to snap out of it." Sadly that wasn't an exaggeration before my memories came back. I had had a crush on him since fourth grade in this world.

I've tried many times to tell him how I felt since then but I was always met with his infamous "Leave me alone." Which stung like holy water but I was used to it at this point. The bell rang soon enough and we were handed out homework on the way out when the professor asked me. "Do you want me to change the seating arrangements so you can sit next to him?"

I shook my head no. "Nothing would happen if you did, pretty sure he hates me anyway, thank you though." "Suit yourself, if you ever change your mind." "I'll let you know." Professor was a good man and often told me he saw me as his daughter, most likely because I was clearly his favorite student but I liked having a father figure that cared.

"Alexia, wait up!" Maddy ran up to me. "Any updates on the Lewis adventure?" "Easy for you to say in middle school he asked you to sit with him." Usually sharing a crush would drive friends apart but with me and Maddy it made us closer.

"You'll get there one day." I lightly pushed her. "Before or after Stockholm syndrome?" "Okay fine I'll ease up." Thankfully my next period was a free period, I could do my homework and listen to my favorite songs. Gym, thankfully all we had to do in there was show up.

"Alexia, you gonna play with us?" "No guys, I'll play that card game later." I texted my friends pictures of the notes for the upcoming test in seventh and hooked up my headphones. "Let's see, angst or love song." I said to no one in particular as I scrolled down the playlist I dedicated to my idol's music.

His songs always seemed no help me take my mind off of things, they especially helped when I was depressed I often turned up him music when I was feeling suicidal and almost immediately felt better. Like any girl with a crush I dreamed of meeting him and possibly dating him…….like that would ever happen.

"Let's do a love song, how about 'Forever and always'. I hit play and the familiar music filled my ears, every time I played that song  it felt like he was speaking to me, I'd do anything for him. "Alright, let's get this homework done."

I finished up my homework so far and just chilled on the bleachers while listening to that song. "I hope he holds a concert soon. I'd love to meet him." "Alexia, are you still doing schoolwork? Have some fun!" James shoved me a little.

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