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About halfway through the process I got a call from Maddy. "What? I'm busy." I put it on speaker. "I was talking to Mei and you're going to meet another sister tonight!" "Whoa whoa whoa, wait. Back up. Another sister?" "Yeah her name is Eura."

"She has to be older than me but how much?" "All Mei said is that Eura was talking about seeing her little sister tonight." "Great thanks for the update, no seriously I'm ecstatic. Hopefully she'll make up for this match making thing."

"Can only hope,let me know how it goes." "I will bye." I let her hang up. "Two sisters in one day this'll be interesting. Wait, is it Wednesday today?" Sure enough it was. 'Perfect….. feeding least Marko can meet this Alexandre……..I have low expectations for tonight.' I thought to myself while continuing to clean up.

After about an hour the room looked presentable, Bed was made, clothes put away, and a decent amount of floor showing, enough to where we could sit and eat when the time came. "Alexia I'm home and I have dinner!"

Oh right, barbeque night. A nice spot a few miles away had a nice deal on barbeque during Wednesdays so we often made it a point to have barbeque. "I'll be right there!"

Dinner went well thankfully she didn't ask too many questions about my day nor was there anything really to talk about at least in my opinion. "So how's it going with you and that boy, Dax I think his name is?"

Oh right…….I failed to mention a possible boyfriend…..if nothing else if he pisses me off enough he can be a meal other than that our relationship would be toxic. "Eh he's cute and all but he's a puppy dog." "Give him a chance who knows he might be better than Roger."

Yikes that name makes me huz, it's odd I have many suitors as a vampire but as a human I grasp at straws, I'm not an attention seeker mind you but I do like guys trying to win my heart.

"It's nine, let me clean up otherwise I'm going to bed." "Oh okay, I was thinking about watching your favorite movie." She had introduced me to a vampire movie a couple years ago called "The Lost Boys".

Coincidentally my favorite character in that movie had the same name as my husband, it means War-like, fits my husband, not so much my favorite character. "Maybe tomorrow, kinda tired besides I don't think you want to hear me quote it."

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