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Prince. Never did they think that's what they'd lose, two beloved Masters, everyone loved my mother and my brother so it was hard for them to accept the fact that they were both gone now.

The hustle and bustle didn't affect me as many of the servants knew how close I was to my brother and avoided me entirely as I walked. I fell into a deeper depression and it only truly hit when I walked past his room. Doctors were in there sanitizing everything.

We didn't know if the disease was transmittable so everything was under quarantine. It absolutely killed me when I saw everyone who entered that room wearing a protective suit. They treated my brother's body as if it were…alien, like something taboo and shouldn't be looked at.

I couldn't even see what they were doing to my brother's body, I can only guess that they ignored certain customs, but I know from talk in the halls that they had vacuum sealed the corpse and then buried it, there was no funeral just a burial no service no Memorial just buried in the ground like trash no formal goodbyes no nothing.

I don't know how long I barricaded myself in my room. It felt like years but I knew it wasn't because eventually I was called to prepare for my coronation. An event I'd be attending alone. "Princess it's time." Dress fitters flooded my room and made sure it looked absolutely perfect.

The gown was made of black silk that had an ombre effect into dark dark blue with red accents in memoriam of the prince. It was simple yet elegant. Such a humble dress would not be the norm for a coronation but since the nation was still in mourning it was acceptable.

"Are you decent?"a guard asked just outside the door. "Yes."I exited my room,hair done in a half up half down quince, dress immaculate, and my head lowered as I was led to the throne room where all the higher ups had gathered in awe, for I had come of age to lead.

Father stood to the side, even a man with his ego knew to step aside for this moment. I stood just before the dual steps leading to a black throne with golden decor, such a beautiful item no one would guess it was made in the pits of hell. I knelt down as the head elder went on with his speech.

"It is today that we crown a new Queen. It is not every century that one of such caliber ascends, from this day forth you Firanna Pire will take on the duties you have been prepared for since birth and govern your people till the end.

Dremine Pire, as is custom you will be our new Queens right hand until she marries and provides an heir. Do you accept your new role?" "As the gods and ancestors are my witness." "Good. Firanna Pire, do you accept the duties upon you as Queen?" "As the gods and ancestors are my witness."

Princess of the PireWhere stories live. Discover now