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Arriving home I gazed upon the tank sitting on a chest in my bedroom. It held my beloved pet snake, Elektra. Very sweet pet and often calms me down. "Come here beautiful girl."Elektra slithered up my hand and around my neck. "Atta girl."

I popped ibuprofen before the headache kicked in, grabbed one of my favorite books and read till nightfall, which by that time I had gone through quite a few more books. "Alright Elektra let's go baby girl time to go to bed."

Yes I know snakes are nocturnal and so am I but like me she's gonna be the odd one out and sleep at night or at least settle down can't control her all the time now can I? Elektra fought me a bit going back into her tank and kissed and hissed and squeaked at me.

"I know you don't like it girl but I can't keep you out 24/7 now get in there." I said mildly frustrated from the third or fourth time I tried to lower her into her habitat. "Thank you." Finally she went in, the shithead.

I got dressed and was about to snuggle under my covers, not as nice as the ones at home but definitely comfortable when I realized what day it was. "Wait! Is that today shit!" I checked my calendar on my phone and sure enough "Fuck fuck fuck I forgot the Cardeils are going to skin me alive!"

I completely forgot about my meeting with the most powerful Vampire family in the clans, the Cardeils are the oldest vampires alive rumored to be the first in all of creation without direct heritage to bats or snakes like the rest of us, while merciful beware crossing them for they have the temper of a thousand suns.

I hurriedly got redressed thankfully for political matters and traveling to another clan, I don't have to be quite so formal. Thank the gods for double standard laws. Here's your lesson for the day class when it comes to traveling to other clans, especially higher rank. Somehow you end up being like that saying 'the customer is always right' in that case you are the customer.

Which means you get the first say in whatever decisions are made. "Aperi ianuam vampire ad regnum" I practically shouted before stumbling through the portal. "You are going to be late, your highness." "I'm aware that Elder do not tell me what I am already aware of, driver make haste!"

Within a moment the carriage went from a snail's pace to might as well be the speed of Usain Bolt, a pace the horses weren't used to but thankfully they got me there before I could be considered rude. "Name?" "Firanna Pire." "You're late." "Yes I'm aware and I deeply apologize." "Don't apologize to me, apologize to Astaroth."

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