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The head elder proceeded to place the blood ruby crown on my head. An ancient artifact made from the blood of the original five vampire clans and crafted into the hardest rubies known to man, nothing could break them.

As soon as it was placed on my head I arose and faced the crowd, so many unfamiliar faces except for one. KalCal son of Girahal, KalCal had more of his mother's features; he was autumn red and vile, never had a nice bone in his enormous body.

He always hated me because Girahal spent all of his spare time with me and not him. Nevertheless as the current head of dragons I had to sign the new alliance contract with him tonight. To lighten the mood before I kept my promise to Fira I used my powers to create a spectacular water show.

Every creature of my creation danced across the room and whenever something touched it it would burst into snowflakes. Soon the entire room was covered in snow and ice but only for a short period of time.

"Thank you everyone for attending, I can only hope to be the Queen you need and deserve as well as make my mother proud, yet before we continue with the formalities there is something I wish to share with you all."

With the remaining snow and ice in the room I made a screen and from memory played what had happened that final night with Fira. As it played on everyone grew more and more shocked and furious, including my father. When it ended all I could do in that moment was shout.

"Dremine Pire your selfish actions have proven to be your undoing! My first act as Queen is to condemn you for all eternity. As you are well aware that treason is punishable by death I will take great joy in your demise. You are to be taken to the outskirts of the city where my people are malnourished. I assume they will have no hesitation in sinking their fangs into you. Take him away!"

Sure enough guards took him away screaming like a madman. The doors slammed behind them and I stared at KalCal. "Let's get this over with shall we?" "Indeed." The alliance contract stated that every time a new ruler came to power on either side the contract would be resigned and that both parties would aid the other in battle with other kingdoms, or speak on their behalf on political matters when needed.

As soon as it was signed every creature that had arrived took their leave except for one. "Hello Firanna, you look lovely." I heard a familiar voice. "Mellow? Is that you?" "In the flesh." "I'll be damned never thought I'd see you again. Last time I saw you was out on a family vacation to hell."

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