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You must promise me, dear sister, that you will expose your father, no I do not consider him my father no longer you must expose Dremine Pire." Scared, I nod with tears in my eyes as I hold my brother's hand. "What do I tell your many suitresses?"

Fira made a weak chuckle. "That I died with the only girl I care about, my baby sister." "Only by seven minutes." At this point I was blubbering. "Yes, by seven minutes." Fira smiled and took his last breath.

"No Fira please, don't leave me, I lost mom I can't lose you to please don't leave me." I wept and wept throughout the next few hours. "I promise you Fira, Father will pay dearly " Right after I had said that a knock was heard. "Come in." Father waltzed in. "Dry your tears, no need to cry when it's just you."

I tried to run out of there but he gripped my wrist tightly. "Behave at your coronation, not only are you to be queen shortly but you also have to-." "I know my duties as queen, do you know your duties as king? For however long that'd be left of your reign." I sneered mumbling the last part.

I left Fira's room doing my best not to cry, we had been through so much together and before the most important milestone in our life and he was just gone. I ran out to the gardens to be alone and let it all out. Whatever I cried out in Fira's room tripled, I could've started a tsunami with the amount of tears I cried and with my abilities that's not much of an exaggeration.

As I sobbed all I could think of how excited he was to become king, all he could do all the time before he got sick was practice his speech to accept the throne and crown. Very vividly I could hear his voice practicing and every time he made a mistake he would growl and throw the paper on the floor.

I would never hear that again, not his voice, his laugh, never see how his eyes would seemingly glow when he felt strong emotions, none of it. I will never sense those things again. It felt like a hole had been ripped out it hurt a lot when we lost mom but this was torture.

I knelt down to the grass collapsing under my own grief and made the most bloodcurdling scream any creature in any realm had ever heard. The scream held agony, fear, turmoil, depression, vengeance. Held every emotion known to existence and a few knew ones too.

But I couldn't do that forever …eventually I would have to go back home and deal with that arrogant Father of mine so I stood up, took a deep breath in and walked back to the castle. I shivered. I could practically feel Fira's spirit all over me.

When I got back to the castle, servants were in a huge hurry and preparations had to be made, for them it was hard to believe that just a few centuries ago they lost their Queen and now their

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