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I shuddered, Astaroth the head of the Cardeils had the shortest temper of them all, he made me the most worried about my being late. A servant led me through the corridors and passageways at a painfully slow pace but I dared not correct the speed even as a servant he worked for a family that was right below God in our world.

"Right through that door the master is waiting." The servant spoke in a blank voice as if he were being controlled. 'That explains the pace.' I thought as I lifted the knocker to the giant double doors "No need, come in." I slowly lowered the knocker so as not to make and embarrassment of myself and entered.

"Apologies for my tardiness Astaroth head of the Cardeils, D'Arcy Wife and queen of the Cardeils." "Your apology is accepted, Firanna, please sit, we have much to discuss." I nodded and sat at the table in my respective place, the third seat away from him.

"I understand that you are wishing to expand your empire, correct?" "Yes sir." "How exactly do you plan to do that without a mate or heir to lead if you pass on from war." "I wish to avoid war at all costs for it is what caused my empire to grow smaller. I refuse to access the armies I currently have under my disposal unless necessary."

"You're planning on takeovers in smaller areas nearby then?" "Correct, there are many farming villages and metal workers in the nearby area governed by Barons and Marquises with horrible intentions and weak holds. It is a miracle that they haven't rioted."

"And how does this involve us exactly, from what I gather you have your plans for gentle takeover under control." D'Arcy chimed in, Astaroth may have a short temper and be ruthless but his wife however is known for her ability to undermine.

"While yes the Barons and Marquises may listen to me and possibly hand their territory over due to my diplomacy there is still the chance that they won't go down without a fight." "So you want our permission to be a verbal back up, for our name to be used as a threat to get what you want?!"

I bowed my head in embarrassment, while the wording was aimed to be as rude as possible D'Arcy wasn't incorrect. "Unfortunately yes, while only a last resort, I'd confer with the Etree however Nikolai would be expecting marriage and that is not what I wish to do."

"That is true lately the Etree's are losing their touch, famine all across the land." "Taxes are sky high as well. A marital alliance would fix nothing but let it spread to my empire which is why I came to you for help."

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