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"I've grown a lot since then, but I'm here on business unfortunately." "Oh what do you mean?" "Remember when we were kids our parents talked about us mating?" "That was our mothers being mothers. I highly doubt they were serious." I said with a chuckle

"Well turns out our fathers liked the idea so much they made an agreement that when we were both of age we'd hold the mating ceremony." I was dumbfounded to say the least. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm afraid I'm not Firanna." Mellow approached me and handed over an old piece of parchment, as he said I was to be married to him. "Mellow I'm speechless, I don't know what to say." "Say yes, regardless of the contract, I do wish to marry you."

"Under normal circumstances I would agree Mellow, you are very handsome and would no doubt make a wonderful husband to me." "But?" "I have to say no, I have just ascended the throne. I would prefer to have my ducks in a row before I consider marriage."

You knew that broke his heart but Mellow respected your decision being a relatively new leader himself. "I understand I'll be waiting when you're ready, I'll take my leave."

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