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I attempted to get to my mind off of things but none of it worked no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my mind off of my home I missed the castle, my brother, my teacher, the only thing I had here was a sister well somewhat she knew my secret only because she was a werewolf herself a common foe but due to an unspoken agreement we kept ourselves out of their lands they kept themselves out of our lands unless invited of course

She was an odd one that Maddy but she provided good company, she was among the few I could talk to about my home life and I loved hearing about her. Unfortunately I know what you readers are thinking that we are like the cullens and the quiets from that awful Twilight series. Well the writer had good intentions. The movie did not do the books justice personally as vampires do not glitter like elves or fairies.

I decided to text her because her pack life had not been the best and we often confided in each other. We were very close which is why I introduced her to you as my sister. She eventually texted back saying that she could not talk right now but instead would call me at a later hour. I understood I may not know much about pack life but I definitely know a lot more that I probably should about familial issues.
"Firanna!" I heard shouting in my head, damn it was the elders curse them out of all the vampires they are surely the ones that have used telepathy the most in for such trivial matters. "What is it!"I responded angrily hated when they do this it hurts like the devil.

"Mellow wishes to speak to you." I groaned audibly I often visited hell when I was younger between my lessons but Mellow was by far the most annoying creature there I didn't care that he was related to Satan himself but I loved was the fact that he thought he had a possibility of becoming my mate and honor which was soon to be rushed.

"Why on Earth does he want to speak with me I already told him no means no he needs to get that through his thick head if he even thinks about being a good ruler of hell."
"We are aware of that my queen he says it is urgent I strongly implore you that you get here as soon as possible."I begrudgingly set up and went to my human room or I had stored my formal and casual wear.

In the drawer I kept my dress beautiful black velvet with red satin in the middle and netted sleeves as far as my immortal mother was concerned it was customary for Halloween for me it was formal wear and unfortunately quite traditional, that was one aspect of vampires writers often added that was correct with this piece it had the typical v collar that you see on classic vampire characters like Dracula.

I put it on and instantly felt more at home I loved this dress unfortunately I wasn't the one I wore to my coronation which was thousands of times more elegant but typically that's the way it works. I put on the most painful pair of black heels I owned and tied the cape around my neck waved my hand and an upward down fashion as if I was dancing.

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