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Chapter 2 History

I was around 70 years old when my father told me the news of my mother's death. Me and my twin brother Fira were devastated. She had been the rock that protected us from our father's fury and now without her we would have to protect ourselves and each other.

Father told us that our mother died by the humans attacking, this made sense due to the fact that our food was rioting. They were furious with the fact that their young were being devoured at an early age. What? It's not our fault toddlers and infants are a delicacy. Their blood is so pure and has not been tainted yet by reality.

As a young girl it hurt to lose my mother. Well yes I was around the human age of 7. That didn't stop me from not wanting to go the rest of my eternal life without my mother. A part of me knew that father was lying and that her death was caused by something much more serious but he was always stone-faced. It was hard to get any emotion out of him regardless of the situation.

At her funeral I remember him crying about losing his beloved wife. Only me and Fira knew the truth. They hated each other especially after my brother and I got older. I remember them constantly arguing about my future and how I would not be used as a tool to conquer all humans around the realms, well at least that was my mother's argument.

My lessons grew easier and easier as I aged. I soon became a master in politics and often went into meetings with my father to discuss other matters, at least when my father allowed me to. I soon was no longer required to be taught by elders and I often found myself in the dragon lands and everything I know to this day on how to rule, handle my people, Battle tactics et cetera I learned from Girahal, the ruler of the dragons.

In our world dragons are much like Switzerland in the human world militarily they are the strongest might and often refuse to make alliances unless it is the Pire family. Going back generations our family has had an alliance with the dragons because of that we hardly ever raged war with other kinds. Girahal was wise and I often looked to him for guidance. He raised me and was more of a father to me than mine ever was dare I say he practically adopted me.

He was a magnificent dragon, as large as the mountain's emerald green scales glittering his body, at the same time he could easily blend in into the forests, he was wise and patient not aspects many of the dragons had. He often called me his child which was ironic because he often neglected his own. I couldn't be mad when I was younger but nowadays I can see why he was disappointed in his son.

Typically in our culture it is customary for the queen to be crowned on her 1300th birthday in the previous king and queen to step down for good because of my mother's death my training had become quicker and I was more forced into the position than anything. Because of the fact that I

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