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Mei rolled her eyes. "You need better taste in guys. Wait, aren't you going to be doing that match making thing today?" Shit I forgot about that. "Sadly yes, the elders are insistent I mate with someone from the other clans, they took the Cardeil's advice so I'm meeting Prince Alexandre Calor."

In our culture it's considered mildly taboo to mate with someone who was turned if you're a pure blood, Marko was turned. I was on vacation in Florida when I met him. At first I didn't like him but he was so romantic I couldn't say no.

The elders don't like him even though we have produced an heir, her name is Marla, she may not have any powers but she is an heir nonetheless. "What's Alexandre like?" I shrugged. "The picture I was shown he has long white hair, chiseled body and a jawline that could grate diamonds. He's my type, don't get me wrong but I'm happy with Marko."

"How does this even work?" "Think of a lie detector it's like that the elders hook us up to it and if it senses any emotion that have aspects similar to love or love itself it's considered a match, bad part is the machine we have is bad it considers anger, love so if I get pissed I'm stuck with an asshole."

"Five minutes to go to class!" One of the school's admin yelled. "Yikes see you guys I gotta go! I'll text you the notes for the test!" I shouted as I ran to class and pushed through the crowd of entitled humans I call my peers.

The first part of the day went off without a hitch, a few idiots and assholes but in the town I live in that's a general thing. Fifth period came around and I took a deep breath……Lewis was in this class, one of the few humans capable of wrapping me around their fingers.

"How has your day been so far Alexia?" "Good professor, how has yours been?" "The usual." I love being the favorite student, especially when I'm one of three students in the class with a B or higher. The bell rang and of course everyone was loud, I get that this class is boring but damn.

Professor handed us our notes and in between filling the blanks I'd stare at Lewis. He has shoulder length dark brown hair, hazel eyes, decent build. I've never seen him shirtless but it was definitely a sight I'd pay to see. Lewis was much taller than my 5 '3 stature I'd say he was around 6' 2 or so.

My tablemate snapped me back into reality. "You're staring again." "How can I not, by the way the answer is C." "How in the world can you pay attention while in lala Land staring at him?"

"Practice I suppose." "And how do you calculate the half life sir?" "Good question Lewis." Hearts were in my eyes, Lewis had the greatest voice I had ever heard, like Sean Connery who

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