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"Aperi ianuam vampire ad regnum"

I walked through the portal and breathed in the fresh night air of home. There before me stood Mellow a handsome demon admittedly but not when I would consider a mate. His black as pitch hair, his thin yet built body, his eyes as red as lava, it was no wonder why every species and creature looked at him with awe.
His jawline was sharp his cheekbones were high expecting image of his father except instead of a long black hair it was short and laid as if he were an anime character. He took the strand of my black into blue hair and bowed. "You look lovely as always, your hair silky as ever your eyes blue as sapphires."

"Enough with the formalities what is so important that you dragged me away from my faux home?" I said with venom in my voice as I sat on the throne. "As you know I am soon approaching the throne of hell, and I require a mate to rule alongside me."

"I am going to stop you right there Mellow how many times has it been now I rejected your proposal I do not wish to rule two kingdoms I already have mine which compared to hell you and I both know is much nicer unless how you say chaotic."

"Don't be unreasonable it is not uncommon for vampires to rule in hell you would be no exception please Firanna accept my proposition." Unfortunately for me demons are very much an exception to the marriage law about marrying other purebred vampires and everyone knew that even humans well not every human.

"My decision is final, you are a very handsome man no doubt I am sure you will have no issue finding a suitable mate me however I do not mate for politics I made for love and I do not love you." Mellow got furious his horns grew and got as sharp as knives.

"You were promised to me it is an arranged marriage Firanna regardless of how many times I ask. You cannot escape the truth, the destiny laid before you." "I will be promised to no one! No one and none of the realms will have me promised as theirs regardless of the arranged marriage my father so pitifully constructed I will never marry you I swear on my brother's grave!"

I was furious and immediately left, he can and will find another mate the arranged marriage he spoke of was nothing but a farce to get hell's hopes up. The sooner he realizes that the better I thought to myself as I waved my hand cuz I had done before in the human realm.

"Aperi ianuam mortale est regnum"

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