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Chapter 4: Eura of Sky and Air

Once the date was set a knock was set upon the door. "Come in?" "Sorry for being late, my portal went to the wrong place." A feminine voice apologized. "Eura? Is that you?"

"Oh you must be Firanna!" Suddenly she hugged me, she was beautiful. Eura had long white hair, a demure cherub like face, sky blue eyes, a slim yet athletic body with a flowy white dress. "It's so nice to meet you, you're beautiful."

When Eura smiled at me I knew the pain behind it. "If you're alive, father must've had incredible mercy." "Not exactly Firanna but I guess he did have a soft spot for his first daughter."

"His first daughter, you mean you're my oldest sister!" "Yep, in answer to your first question he banished me so he could continue to try and get you. He had told me that if you ever came to be then I could come back when you became queen."

"But I became queen years ago, what took you so long?" "I had to find my way back home of course, the banish-lands are wide and vast." The banish-lands is where kingdoms sent the ones, well that part is obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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