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Chapter 3: Siblings?!

"Have a good day Alexia." "No promises." I answered back before giving my dogs love before heading to school. "Be good girls. Ah shi-!" I got tackled by a familiar pair of arms. The woman who thinks I'm her child had already driven off so I could cuss at her now. "Maddy what the hell!" "Gotcha sissy."

I made an annoyed face and walked into the building with Maddy in tow. She reminded me of a puppy which in our world she kinda is. "Guess what!" She practically hollered in my ear. "Yikes calm it down girl, what?" "Guess." This child drives me nuts.

"You found the cure to cancer I don't fucking know?" "We're actually sisters." "Come again? You're a werewolf and if you were my sister Father killed the ones that weren't like me, or are me." "He got with my mom and had me. I'm your half sister!"

Okay that checks out, vampires are funny about illegitimate children especially ones that are half a different species. "Makes sense what you told me of your mom. She would've killed Father if he got near you." "Exactly! Aren't you happy!" I smiled. Of course I was happy that my best friend is my sister.

"Wait, if you're alive that means I have ten more siblings that might be alive." She shrugged. "Dunno." Perfect, this is gonna be on my mind for the rest of the day. A mutual friend hugged me when we met in the cafeteria before class.

"I take it Maddy told you?" "Yes Mei she told me, kinda freaky I wonder if I have other ones that are alive." "Who knows, ask the elders." "Ha, yeah right like those geezers would tell me anything."

Right then I saw a familiar face walk past us, Lewis my crush since elementary school in this realm. "Now that is a suitable mate." "Aren't you married to Marko?" "You and I both know it's not uncommon to have more than one mate."

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