Rebirth 2 Curse of Rebirth

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Rebirth 2 Curse of Rebirth

Days passed by quickly and it had already been a month since the time Violet transmigrated in Fantasia.

It would be a lie if she said that she was already used to it, she was used in living here.

How could she say such words? Her real world is better than this world. A world where dog eats dog, where the weak is eaten and the strong is the victor.

Not only was she worried about the world's food chain, she was also worried about her life. It was a lonely and boring one, she can only rarely smile now unlike in the past.

'Is the original affecting me?'

"Nah. It can't be. Maybe because I'm alone, other than Angie I had no one."

Sighing in grief, Violet continued to read her book.

These past few weeks, though she was lamenting her fate of transmigrating in that world she did not waste her time sulking in a corner growing mushrooms and drawing circles.

Now that she is already here, not like she could do anything, she tried her best to understand the world better and study what "magic" is.

Camping in the library which was rarely to never been used, Violet studied almost everything there. Miraculously, she was able to fit almost all of the knowledge inside her tiny pea brain.

In History, it was said that magic came into existence since the world was created.

Magic was divided into two namely: Light and Darkness.

Light and Darkness might have been created at the same time, existed together hand in hand, for one cannot exist if the other is gone.

But even so, Dark magic was banned because of its powerful destruction force.

Only Light types of Magic was allowed to be use, for light is life. It will not destroy the world unlike the Dark magic that would corrupt anyone who uses it.

Dark magic nowadays are only used by people who gave up life, people who kills and murders, people who wanted destruction. In short, only Demon's uses them.

Demons are those humans who were already eaten by their heart desires. Like a puppet on a string, their only wish is to create and cause chaos to the world.

That is why Dark Magic is banned, it is banned because it consume the users sanity. Like an angel falling into the devils path, you will continue to fall until you no longer know who you are.

Aside all of that, under the Light Magic is the different kinds of elements namely: Fire, Earth, Water, and Earth. These are the four sacred and elements.

Under the four sacred elements were the Rare type of Elements namely: Lightning, Ice, Gravity, and Spatial.

Under this were the extinct type of magic namely: Light Magic and Space Magic (Controls time).

Humans are only allowed to use one type of elemental magic, not like they chose to but they were born with it. It was already chosen in birth, the very moment the spiritual pet's elemental type is recognize then that will be the time they would know what type of elemental magic they have.

Humans can only use one type of elemental magic and the sub category of light magic at that. Its not like they are unable to use the Light Magic directly, its not like they could not but they can't.

Light Magic after all was the strongest type of Magic out there, a type of magic that could totally eliminate dark magic.

Also, Light Magic is the creator of Life after all.

No one as in no one was able to bear the Life magic's element in their body in the whole Fantasia, as in no one.

Using Light Magic puts a very huge stress on the body, using it may cause the body to swell up and explode. Unless they do not want to live any longer one must not casually use Light Magic or else it would spell their doom.

Though Light Magic is a magic almost forbidden to be used like the Dark magic, there are some people who can use them. They are called "Messenger of God".

Messenger of God are people of the Church of Light, they dedicated themselves to serve the Light God. The Light God in return blesses them with the ability to use light magic, but because their body was not compatible with the Light Element they could only use it once in awhile. After they use it, they need to rest for awhile before using it again.

Studying almost all the historical passages and the birth of magic, Violet was then stumped with yet again another problem.

"Can I use magic?"

According to the story, Violet BrightHeart was a waste. She did not awaken her spiritual pet successfully and live a life of a rich waste.

Violet who was the villain of the story was saddened at this fact of unable to awaken a spiritual pet. She was already unsuccessful in her life as a daughter of a Marquess and failing on awakening her spiritual pet even made her feel useless.

But life must go on, she lived her life quietly but in the end she still became a stepping stone for someone who wanted to raise her rank.

How stupid and futile her life must be?

Her life at the star was already bad, she should have gotten a happy end. But her happy ending was stolen by the Heroine and her, she was thrown aside like a rag doll not knowing what she did wrong for having such a bad end.

She lived her life quietly and peacefully, she did not offend anyone, she just wanted to live. Is that so hard to ask?

When life was hard on her, she was quiet.

When her mother dies, she was quiet.

When others mock her, she still stayed quiet.

Even when her fiancee was stolen, she was still quiet.

But when she was face with the guillotine, her head under the sharpest knife she had ever seen in her entire life, she looked at the Heroine and her fiancee with much hatred and resentment never had she shown in her life.

With voice as if it came from the deepest part of the hell, she cursed those two couples. Cursed them until her last breath, her last words rang around the crowd like it was trying to swallow them. Swallow them whole, eat their sanity.

"Curse you! Curse You! I cursed you two to never have a happy life! Never will you two be happy! Never!! I curse you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

'If there is a next life, I wish to change my life and put destiny within my hands!'

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