Chapter 9 I Am A Missing...?!

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"Lady BrightHeart, you misunderstood me..."

Holding his bruised cheeks, the orange-haired man cried like an abused wife who just recently suffered from her husband's abuse.

Crying like a maiden, he looked at Violet with a wrong expression.

Just by looking at the man who was shamelessly crying in front of her, Violet's mouth twitched.

She really wanted to hit him again but she restrained herself, she must not be rash, she still didn't know this man's identity and why he had brought her here.

She is lucky that the man did not pursue her actions and just acted like a wronged maiden. If it was a cruel man, then she would have suffered.

Breathing in and out, Violet looked straight back at the man who was still crying like a d*mned virgin who just got xxxx.

Since Violet does not know what the man's intention is in bringing her into his "house", though she thinks that it is other than good, Violet, who just went through an almost near-death experience, chose to be wise this time around to avoid another flag.

"Sir, I sincerely apologize for what I have done. I am sorry."

Smiling sweetly, Violet pat her chest and let out a breath.

"I was just frightened, waking up in an unknown place and meeting a stranger. I really have no intention of harming sir, it was just a reflex I had developed before I came here when any man approaches me."

Tilting her head to the side, hands on her mouth, Violet portrayed a very fragile expression of a lady who was about to cry and a miserable past that should not be divulged.

The man knowing of Violet's recent life events almost teared up in grief about the lady's misfortunes. Luckily, he stopped his tears before they even fell.

"Lady BrightHeart, please do not feel sad and you do not need to apologize. It was I who was wrong. I should be the one to apologize."

Thinking back to the event of him being near her, the man concluded in himself that she had suffered some kind of harassment from a man or boy from the past that caused her long-term trauma against men.

Eyeing at Violet like some intellectually challenged pitiful child, the man decided that from here on out he would protect her from harm.

'Even if it's just before the selection, I will protect her even if it's just before the selection.'

Unknown to Violet, she had just gained an alley that would become one of her greatest alleys in the future.

But that story will be relayed in the future.

"What did you just say?"

Hearing the word "BrightHeart" coming from his mouth, Violet, who was staging her play, quickly looked at the man in surprise.

"Lady BrightHeart?"

"What did you just call me?"

Seeing the surprise on Violet's face, the man could only smile.

"Lady BrightHeart. I called you Lady BrightHeart. Is there something wrong?"

Hearing her own surname coming out of the man's mouth once again, the surprise within her could no longer be concealed and was let out.

"How do you know me? More importantly, who are you and why am I here?"

Though shocked, Violet did not forget the most important part that she must first ask this person who seemed to know her.

Remembering the memory of her so-called "father", Violet subconsciously shivered in fear and warily looked at the man.

She could still remember how that so-called father of hers looked at her before ordering someone to dispose of her.

Now wary of the person in front of her, she took a step back until she was sitting on the edge of the bed.


Seeing her guarded expression, the man could not help but question what part of what he said scared her.

"You, are you one of my "Father's" men?"

Saying the word "Father" with venom, the man now understood why Violet seemed to be guarded of him.

Smiling sunnily, like he meant no harm, he slowly approached the bed and looked at Violet with his almost clear eyes.

"Little lady, don't worry, I am not one of your father's people. Don't worry, as I had said before, I mean you no harm. In fact, I was one of the people who saved you from those people in black clothes."

"Y-You saved me?"

Unable to believe what he said, Violet covered her mouth in shock and looked the man in the eye.

Looking him in the eye, Violet could see that he was telling the truth.

'He's not lying.'



This is the question that baffled her the most: why would a complete stranger save her?

She is of no worth, power, or money. She does not have any of those.

If they were talking about her beauty then--, thinking of this, Violet went on guard again, but this time she did not overreact at all. She still does not know the man's intentions for her and to what limit she can bully him.

"Why? It is because you are one of the candidates for the missing princess. Er, did I just say that out loud? I did not, right?"

The man turned as pale as paper when he realized what he had done, he looked like he had aged a few years. He beat his mouth again and again for being such a blabbermouth.

"A candidate for the missing princess?"

Violet couldn't believe it.

Is she a candidate for the missing princess?

Is there really a princess? A missing one?

If so, then she could possibly be the.......

'This information was not released in the game. There was no such thing as the missing princess in the game. Where on earth did this "missing princess" thing pop out?'

Being deep in thought, she did not notice the man's worried shenanigans as she dived deeper into her previous memories.

'Wait. It seems that there is one such thing in my memory. It was... In a walkthrough, for the hidden capture target route, it was said in the forums that after the heroine ran from home to avoid the engagement with Byron Moore she then met an injured Knight who helped her. After so many serious events, she then somehow got to the palace and was then... '

Watching the man in front of her who looked like he was about to cry from the serious blow of leaking top-secret information, Violet came to a conclusion.

"Mister, what's your name?"

'If I remember it correctly, that Knight's name should be...'

Being asked by Violet while he was wallowing in pain, the man forgot his grief for a moment and confidently and with a little hint of pride, introduced himself.

"I am... Giles Knight."

'Giles Knight ... '

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