Chapter 13 Smile Or Die

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Venice DoomBringer, the current king of the Sun Empire.

Age 25.

Born from a concubine mother but because of his excellence and strength in magic surpassing all of his siblings, Venice was chosen to be the next Emperor, though some rumors say otherwise.

Some said that the heir to the throne was supposed to be the older prince but it was stolen by Venice, who had cruelly killed his brother to sit on the throne.

There are many versions of how Venice sat on the throne but the real truth was that he was really chosen to be heir by the verdict of the previous Emperor.

Stealing the throne from the older prince was nothing but s**t!

The current Emperor is said to be an indifferent cold man who kills in cold blood to those who offend him.

Not even the highest ranking of nobility was spared from his sword.

The Emperor also hates close contact, just the mere touch on his cape's edge could send one's hand flying.

That is why, until now, the Emperor is still single till this day.

No woman could stand his cruel and cold attitude. Even the nobles stop sending him some of their daughters. They go in alive but they go out dead.

Though he was a cruel man, many people still praise him for being a wise and just ruler.

Under his rule, the life of his subjects improves day by day. Many sing praises for this wise yet cruel King.

"So... he is still a virgin?"

Slumping down the tiled floor, Violet put the book that she was reading aside titled "All You Should Know About Venice DoomBringer".

Violet, who did not learn from the past encounter she had with the Emperor, still sneaked away despite being warned by Giles to not go out of her room.

It had already been a few days and Violet was bored.


Being a modern person and a stubborn one at that, no one, not even a guarded room, could stop Violet from going out.

Climbing down to her window using a rope made from her quilt, Violet successfully sneaked her way out.

Since Violet was still new and was not very familiar with the palace yet, she got lost and ended up in a place called the "library".

Knowing she was lost, she just waited for her dear big brother of a Knight, Giles, to rescue her, a damsel in distress.

While waiting for her Knight in shining armor, Violet looked for books to read in that massive library.

That is when she encountered the book called "All You Should Know About Venice DoomBringer".

Being curious and bored, Violet definitely chose this book to read to find out more about the said man who almost killed her.

Imagining the Emperor who, despite his age, had never tasted fresh meat, Violet could not help but burst out laughing.

"A-A virgin."

Violet stiffed her laughter trying to stop herself from laughing out loud.

She did not want other people to hear her bad mouth about the Emperor, most of all the Emperor himself.

Having enough of her laughter, Violet was finally able to think straight and thank the heavens that the Emperor detested physical contact, or else the whole Sun Empire might be turned upside down by having a ruler who loved to screw women.

What she forgot while having a fit of laughter is that, thanks to being suspected as the Emperor's child, she is still alive!

"But thinking about it, the Emperor is really handsome. I can't deny that."

'Hair as black as ebony and eyes as dark as night, tan skin and lips as red as blood. Yep. Totally my type. But he is one dangerous man and also a candidate for being my real father.'

Thinking deeply, Violet did not notice the incoming figure who was already a few meters away from her.

Eyes that of a predator looked her way, it was staring at her like she was its prey.

"How can such a handsome man exist?"

'But if he is my father, then, why am I a BrightHeart's daughter? Am I adopted or is there a secret of my birth? Maybe I was stolen? Or was I given? What dramatic background story do I have?'


Violet yelped in surprise when something cold touched her neck. She then looked back and yelled.



But instead of a ghost, Violet was met with the most beautiful eyes that she had ever seen in her entire life.

Golden eyes met with dark ones, a spark ignited in the air.

'Why do they look so familiar?'

Violet was in a daze as she looked back at those pair of eyes. She was stunned and was not able to comprehend the situation she was in.

A knife sharper than any knife that had ever existed touched her skin.

With her sudden movement a while ago, her skin got cut.

Fresh red blood dyed her smooth white neck, the color of the blood was in great contrast to the color of her skin that it was so eye-catching to the audience.

Seeing the fresh blood trickling down from the wound, the man's eyes slit for a second before it returned to normal.

"Why are you here?"

The sudden sound of his cold voice snaps Violet from her trance.

She was astonished when she realized who the person standing in front of her was.

"Y-Your Majesty?!"

Stuttering, Violet quickly kneeled in fear, but she did not let her fear be seen in her face.

'According to the survey, when one transmigrates into a villainess when faced with a cruel person, one must act the opposite of what you feel to prevent you from getting killed!'

So, that was what Violet did.

She acted the opposite of what she felt.

Apart from letting the fear be seen on her face, she instead shyly looked down.

Her eyes that were duller than those of a doll because of doubting life when she arrived in that world, flowed with life and happiness when she saw the Emperor staring daggers at her.

'Smile. Yes, that's it. Smile. S.M.I.L.E. or I will D.I.E. DIE!!!'

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