00:04- Two Days

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Watching as the city passed in the window, I bit at my bottom lip. The driver remained silent as we drove to the base, all of my belongings packed into the trunk and shoved in the seat next to me. I shifted uncomfortably from the pendant Jack had given me sitting funny in my back pocket. I was restless and nervous, trying to find something to occupy my time on the drive to headquarters. Wiping my sweaty palms onto my cargo pants, tucked into a pair of combat boots like Jack had worn, I reached into one of the boxes next to me. I pulled out the familiar photo of Helio and I from when I was a child. I ran my finger over the photo and felt the pressure beginning to build up from behind my eyes once more. 

To think this all started because of a wounded omnic. Or maybe it started because of two criminals beating on someone? The best things in life start after the most tragic events from my experience. Trying to play a hero ended with me gaining the actual title of one. 

"Miss. (L/N), we're arriving." I folded the photo to stick into my bra, easily accessed through the tan tank top I wore. I pressed my back against the seat seeing how intimidating the base was, feeling vulnerable at the size. I worried I would be chewed up and spit out, told to leave because I wasn't good enough. I worried that a life would be lost on my hands, and the nerves officially began to set in. I could just ask the driver to turn around, go home and that would be it. I could go back to working with Helio, go back to everything I knew. 

But the thought was cut short when we drove past the large gates, and the city was now beyond them. Sinking further into my seat, we pulled up to the entrance and the vehicle came to a stop. I sucked in a sharp breath as the door opened and I stepped out. 

"Your things will be taken to your living quarters as asked by Commander Morrison. He requested you meet him in his office."

I nodded and walked up the stairs to the doors, pressing into them and stepping inside for the first time. I marveled at the high ceilings and machinery that covered the walls. Linoleum flooring caused every footstep I took to echo for what seemed like miles down the descending hallways. Large light blue windows were high on the walls, making out what looked like to be an observation bay for security. I spun in a slow circle, ignoring every negative thought in my head that told me to just turn back.

Instead, I locked eyes on a long hallway and began my way to Jack's office. With a pep in my step, I intertwined my fingers and my elbows rested at my hips, admiring every door I walked past. There is so much more in this world then I ever cared to notice. So much good to overcome the bad, and that good was an expression for Overwatch. Protectors, saviors, heroes. To think that the one and only Jack Morrison came to me and asked me to become a medic seemed unfathomable.

Jack... Jack... Where was Jack's office? I suddenly stopped in my tracks, realizing that while I grew lost in my thoughts I found myself lost in what seemed like endless hallways. Dumbfounded, I looked at my surroundings to find what looked like to be a sparring area. Long dark mats covered the floor and once again a large observation loomed overhead. My lips slightly parted and I wondered if I would have to spar any of the soldiers to assert my position here. A medic? That was a stupid thought. I would be sitting behind the lines, right?

"Ello, love! Lost?" 

I jumped slightly and turned, sucking in a sharp breath. I immediately released it after examining what seemed like a small, harmless girl and chuckled nervously.

"Yeah. Jack told me to meet him in his office but I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I also... didn't know where I was going in general."

She laughed a bit, brown hair bouncing as she stuck a hand out, "Lena Oxton, lovely to meet you!"

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