00:17- Far Too Deep

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A/N: (S/T)=Skin tone. Okay enjoy!

"She's gone? What do you mean she's gone?" I clenched my jaw in anger at Cole and Genji, bandaged and bruised on the med cots. Genji's head fell back against the cot, pursing his lips and staring up at the ceiling. Angela rushed around them to patch them up, contributing to the chaos of the events that had just occurred hours prior. 

"Sir, we came to and she just- she just wasn't there. I don' know what else to tell ya." Cole shook his head, just as confused as the rest of us. 

"So we've lost how many soldiers and now Blackwatch's only medic? This is just fucking perfect!" 

"Gabe, you need to calm down." Jack's hand rested on my shoulder and I spun to smack it away.

"Calm? Jack we were just attacked and we're down more men than we have sitting in home base. You want me to stay calm?"

"Sanjay," Genji whispered, "Sanjay entered the building minutes before the explosion. He may have something to do with this."

"Sanjay?" I mumbled and turned back to Jack, "He's unaccounted for. No recovered remains. Dig up anything you can on him."

Jack nodded and walked out of the med bay, leaving me alone with Genji and Cole. I sighed, sitting on a nearby cot. Shoulders slumped, I dropped my head in my hands. Cole placed a hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

"She's just a kid. Jack should never have brought her here."

I heard brief rustling, and in a lowered tone Genji replied, "She is more than capable of taking care of herself."

Glancing over my shoulder, I locked eyes with Genji. His eyes were bloodshot and full of turmoil. I knew the two had spent some time together after Genji's last injury, however I had no idea what sort of relationship they had developed. 

When medics began arriving, Genji was on the ground near Cole, yet they had said (Y/N) was walking with them at the time of the attack. We nearly lost Genji due to being off of his tubes for so long, the sudden adrenaline from the attack did not help. His heart was in critical condition, but there managed to be a faint pulse and we were capable of bringing him back. Here he sits now, back in his mech, and us all sharing the similar look of loss on what to do. 

I released a sigh and pushed off of my knees to stand. 

"Angie?" Angela's big blue eyes looked to me in fear, worried she may have done something wrong. 

"Yes, sir."

"These two are not to leave the bay. If they do, radio me immediately."

"What?" They both began protesting in unison, and I simply narrowed my eyes at them.

"You expect us to just sit here when (Y/N) is Lord knows where? We want to help," Cole exclaimed while crossing his arms.

"And I want to be able to come out of this with my best soldiers still alive." I snapped back, giving Angie one last nod before beginning the walk to my office in silence. Upon arrival, Jack sat behind my desk typing away furiously. I walked up behind him and looked at the files he had found. 

"Anything out of the ordinary?"

"Nothing. Quiet guy, always got his reports in on time, seemed like just another agent. Genji hit his head pretty hard, wonder if his brain is scrambled." Jack stopped typing and turned to me, dark rolls had made their way under his eyes, and his hands shook slightly.

I shook my head, taking a seat on my desk, "When Genji had asked me to accompany us on the mission for protection, I couldn't help but smile a bit from the request. Teasing him slightly about the possibility of it being due to (Y/N), he merely kept that continuous cold expression. For whatever reason, I allowed it and we almost lost a good agent."

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