00:11- Seventy-Two

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Several days have passed since the meeting with Commander Reyes, and I have done very little to prepare. The med bay has been quiet, a few patients coming in to get bloodied knuckles bandaged or a busted eyebrow after sparring. Yet, that was the extent of my adventurous Blackwatch life recently. The boredom got to me so much so that I had made puppets with latex gloves and markers. What a life I was living.

Yet, the machine in the corner of the room itched the back of my head constantly. Gabe had confirmed it was a project of the former medic, Moira, yet that didn't tell me what it did. That sliver of curiosity kept me on my toes as I would eye it throughout the workday. For whatever reason I didn't even wonder how Gabe knew I had been messing with it. 

"Are you busy?"

I nearly jumped in my seat and turned around to see a familiar face, though it wasn't someone I had known very well.

"Sanjay, right?" He nodded to confirm and I smiled weakly due to the late hour, "What brings you in?"

Keeping eye contact with him, I sheepishly brushed the latex puppets out of view and into the trash, turning my torso towards him. Bringing his arm up, he had a large scratch up the side and I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"Oh boy, sit down. I don't think it'll require stitches but it'll heal to leave quite the scar."

He remained quiet and sat on the end of a nearby cot, seeming disheveled at the response. He was dressed professionally, peaking my curious nature as to how he got it. I washed my hands and pulled on a pair of gloves to prepare disinfecting it. As I got to work, a very uncomfortable silence fell between us. 

"Where do you come from?" A sorry attempt at making small talk, I presumed, and smiled lightly looking up at him.

"Streets of the city. Worked on wounded until I was recruited by Morrison." Though I answered his question, he still remained his usual stoic self. 

"How much experience do you have?"

Raising a slight brow at him, I turned to retrieve the bandages and responded nervously. "Since I was able to sing my ABC's."

"Are you loyal to Blackwatch?" At this point, I figured it was another bigheaded agent that made it their personality to make my life a living hell. Rolling my eyes, I tightened the bandage and finished it up.

"Yes. We're done here." I stripped my hands of the latex and begin washing them once more, with my back to him. Drying them, I turned back around, "You can see yourself-"

Yet, he was already gone.


The rest of the night I felt queasy, wondering if I should report the behavior to Reyes or keep it to myself. I was one to overanalyze every situation, yet I would always trust my gut. My stomach flipped at the thought of him, seemingly feeling off. Though, I shrugged the idea off and cleaned the med bay for the night, heading to my room after turning off the lights. Changing into comfortable clothes, I wrapped myself tightly under my comforter. 

I tossed and turned a lot before I was able to find myself drifting off to sleep.

Only for it to be broken a few short hours later.

Waking up to the sound of weak tapping at my door, I groggily sat up in my bed and stretched. I looked at the time and noticed the early hour, sighing and throwing my legs over the side of the bed. Goosebumps rose across my skin and I shuddered under the cold air. Rubbing my arms for some warmth from the friction, I took a few steps to my door and it slid open, nothing preparing me for what stood on the other side. 

"G-Genji?" I whispered in awe at his state, bloodied and nearly falling apart. I felt my stomach twist and my heart begin to beat rapidly as he fell into me for support. Blood seeped from his nose and mouth, landing on my back. 

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