00:05- Not Too Bad

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Two days? That's all they thought I could handle?

I laid on my cot, holding my blanket close to my chin as I had a newfound determination set into me. That sentence was like a flint to steel, and it ignited this flame I had never felt before. I felt the need to prove myself, show them I would exceed all expectations. I rolled onto my back, staring at my ceiling, pondering where I was this time yesterday. I was with Dr. Helio in the office, cleaning and preparing for the night shift. Pursing my lips, I decided to divert my thoughts into absolutely anything else.

My head tilted to the side, seeing the boxes of my previous home stacked in the corners of my room. Groaning, I rolled off the side of my bed and fell onto the floor with a thud. I propped my elbows up and my neck rolled a few times to relax my muscles. Even though I didn't have a lot to unpack, I struggled to find the motivation to do so. 

I pulled myself up, and began unboxing some necessities. I decided to leave most of the boxes packed, considering I would be moving to a new department tomorrow. (F/C) decor, blankets, and clothes filled the boxes to the brim, finding it pitiful I couldn't even try to accustom myself to a new room. Cement walls painted white surrounded me, not only isolating me but my thoughts as well. I pulled out a blanket to sleep with tonight, a pillow, and a pair of pajamas, throwing them all on the cot. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the closet. 

Freezing slightly, I stepped towards the black lab coat with a symbol on it. Red lines ran up the sleeves and down the tail, with a white jumpsuit hanging underneath it. A yellow sticky note was stuck to the chest, and I plucked it off.

Let's see what you've got.


I smiled lightly at the gesture, and hurried to lock my door before running back to my closet. I slipped off my cargo pants and tank top, replacing it with the Blackwatch uniform. Mentally cussing myself for even thinking the word, remembering Gabriel's threat, I looked in a nearby full-length mirror to admire myself. While I may not have exactly liked the grand greeting from Gabriel, I could compliment his design- because this made my ass look great. 

I held my (H/C) hair up into a ponytail with my hand, seeing what I would truly look like as a medic. Taking a deep breath, I felt a slight itch on my chest, and looked down to see a piece of paper sticking out. My smile faltered, releasing my hair and pulling out the photo of Helio and I. Sitting back down on my bed, I placed the photo on the side table. I stared at it briefly and let my mind wander before an abrupt knock came at my door. Nearly choking on my spit, I hurried to strip myself of the lab coat and threw it in the closet, leaving only the jumpsuit on.

"Ah... just a minute!" Stubbing my toe on the bed, I cussed under my breath and walked to the door. After figuring out how to open it with the digital scanner, it slid open. My jaw slightly dropped at the woman in front of me.

Blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing the same jumpsuit but a yellow and white lab coat complimenting it. Her smile was genuine and her poise was elegant. Widening her smile into a toothy grin, she gave a small wave, "Hello!"

I smiled back, happy to see another friendly face aside from Lena's.

"Hi," I breathlessly spoke, toe throbbing and out of breath from running around my room.

"You're the new medic, no?"

"No... I-I mean yes!" Facepalming, I shrugged my shoulders with a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I'm nervous."

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