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"So you finally showed yourself." the second personality (we will call him' The elder') asked the third personality (we called him the child)

"Yes, Aradhya di promised me afterall and see after waiting for so long she is here." the child said to him while arranging his cartoon cards

"You too believe she's the one for you" the Elder asked

"Hmm she is the one"The child replied

The Elder gets irritated with his statement but he can't do anything other than standing there and looking at child, collecting his cards

Slowly the scene starts to get blurry.

Aditya slowly opened his eyes as he saw Arushi lieing beside him and holding him from the stomach.

Very dim sun rays are coming into the room indicating it's almost evening time.

" But what am I doing in this room lieing. I should be alone in that room punishing myself " he asked and then told himself. But then he reminded with all the incidents happened today but he doesn't remember what happened after Arushi is trying to make him understand that his other personality did not hurt her . He tried to remember it but he got nothing other than pain And few blurry images of himself and Arushi in washroom.

His body automatically moved thinking all of that when Arushi woke up with the movement.

He doesn't want to wake her up now, she must have been very shocked , not forgetting she got hurt because of him as well.

She slowly looked at the Aditya . The look and care in his eyes confirmed that Her Aditya is back.

"Kaise hai Aap "Arushi asked very slowly after sitting up on the bed.

" I am fine" Aditya said not meeting his eyes. He felt like his crime got cought and Arushi must be feeling betrayed by him . He doesn't deserve her care.

" How is your wound?" He asked

All the things in her mind, Arushi forget that she got a wound as well. But it really was not serious. It will get healed with little time. That's what she told him as well.

But Aditya is not happy with her statement. She keep taking care of everyone except herself. Everything is big when it's related to others and it become small when it comes to her.

Aditya is about to standup when Arushi said " Aap aaram kigiye na. Main mummy papa aur sabko batati hun aapko hosh aa gaya hai"

" Main thik hun. Tum yaha aaram karo. Main aata hun abhi" he said ignoring her suggestion.

He went in the closet and brought a cream with himself.

He sat beside her and said " Let me put this ointment on your wound"

At first Arushi thought to say that she will do it herself but she decided to listen to him . She moved aside her kurti while half sitting and let him put the ointment on the red purple mark on her stomach.

" Now take rest." He said and about to put the ointment beside when Arushi said " let me put the ointment on your wound"

He looked at Arushi in the eyes and said " I don't need these. Me and my body is used to these things"

" Then why you put ointment on my wound. I also don't need this" Arushi protested.

" You are not used to these things Arushi " Aditya said and turned around to leave from the room to check other things.

" Yes I am not used to these things. I am not used to see my husband in pain, I am not used of him hiding things from me. I am not used to feel so helpless ." Arushi said without thinking much making him stop in his tracks.

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