Unexpected (Part-2)

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Same day

Aditya and Arushi is welcomed by both family members and shared hugs and took blessings from elders.

Kavita whispered in Arushi's ear "Hope you get the news Bhabhi. "

This is actually the first time kavita directly called her Bhabhi. She always teased her by Aditya's name or tag like future husband she even get to know about " Mr. Handsome bodyguard"  word which was slipped by Arushi.

Generally Arushi warned kavita not to tease her or glared at her but now the time have come. This is all happening. 

Arushi looked at everyone.
They all are looking happy but Arushi can see some worry lines on there foreheads but that must be due to this sudden wedding. Thinking that she head to her room. She just changed into a loose white T-shirt and opened her hair to tie in a loose bun when Mahi came and said "Arushi come fast. Mehar is crying for you. "

Arushi left the hair open and run to her room. The first thing she did after coming home from anywhere is to see Mehar and play with her but due to all this she forget that.

She entered the room and her hair starts flowing by the wind

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She entered the room and her hair starts flowing by the wind.

Seeing her,Mehar stops crying and sat in a position that Arushi can take her in her arms easily.

"Aww, my Mehar missed me

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"Aww, my Mehar missed me." Arushi asked Mehar taking her in her arms.

Mehar nodded her head in yes.

Mahi who is present in room said " Aadi and you play with her. I will just come. "

Listing to Aadi, she roamed her eyes in room and find him standing at the door of balkani. Again she become self conscious. She didn't have to think of herself and her clothes in front of Aditya's mother and sister and even his father had told her that she can wear what she wants but it always different when things come to Aditya.
She doesn't know whether it's okay from his side or not.

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