After their moments, Arushi offered to have lunch together in his cabin and he also agreed.
She hesitantly made him eat two bites with her own hands and he did the same. There is some awkwardness between them while doing that but they can't ignore that there is some kind of pleasant feeling as well.
Arushis colleagues called her and asked her about her whereabouts. She lied that she is meeting a friend in a cafe and having a lunch there as well.
With the first bell ring out of 3 rings , they both returned to their works so that there is very less chance that anyone saw them.
While Aditya went outside for work, Arushi's colleagues started to ask her question as soon as they saw her coming from imside.
Her one colleague Suman asked " Hey you said you went outside to meet a friend, when did you return ?"
" Just a few moments back " she replied
" Ohh we miss your tasty food " second colleague Priyanka said
"Aaj ka bakaya Kal pura Karna padega " Third colleague Vikash instantly said
Arushi nods her head in agreement.
"Aru, is your friend your husband? " Priyanka asked slowly after a moment of silent noticing the glow on her face.
Arushi doesn't tell anything related to her husband but everyone knew she is married as she wore Manglasutra and vermillional. The best thing they never forced her to tell them and she is Thankful for that so she doesn't wanted to lie more and said yes.
A smile carved on their faces as they heard her .
" You should have made him meet us. We also wanted to see him " Suman suggested but watching Arushi's smile she said dramatically " Yeah it's not the right time. You can't tell us due to some reasons which also you can't tell us due to some reasons "
Arushi giggled at her drama.
" You know I wonder what if we are helping a government officer. You have so many secrets though " Vikash expressed his thoughts.
" yeah me too, what if she is a FBI agent " Priyanka said
" or a detective " suman
"or our CEOs wife " Priyanka said
Arushis heart skip a beat when she heard it but instantly covering it she starts to giggle with her friends.
" BTW do you guys heard the news. Manya Taneja booked a appointment for tomorrow " Suman said
" God, that bitch. I thought she learned her lesson but no. She is still trying to persue him" Priyanka said with full of annoyence in her voice.
"Maybe she booked the appointment only for work " Vikash said slowly
" Oh common Vikash, I know you have very big crush on her but you also know how she is. " Priyanka said
Vikash pouted sadly.
" Whom you guys talking about? " Arushi asked
" Oh we forget you are new. Actually we are talking about Ms Manya Taneja, daughter of Mr. Partham Taneja. You must have seen Files of Taneja industry "Suman asked as Arushi nods in agreement when remembered the the files of Taneja.
" So Manya liked our CEO Aditya sir. I understand her, he is handsome rich classy and all but after his wedding it should be end na. But no just after 2 days of wedding she came here to declare her rights on him. Sir insults her in the middle of the corridor. I thought finally she understood but this appointment is breaking that. " Priyanka said.

RomanceShe is unaware of his heart which beats only for her. She is aware of his ignorance which is at all not correct. The question is will she able to unfold the real him??? Let's just find out . Arushi Shaw is waiting for her husband on her wedding b...