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Next day come, when they together went to the company.

Vikash, Priyanka and Suman teased her time to time.

They also gossiped about the things she missed in these days.

A girl colleague named Suhana came towards her and said " Hi Aru, bahut din baad dekha tumhe. Kaisi ho ( hi Aru , see you after long time . How are you) "

Though everyone knew Arushi is close to the upper management but they also knew that she never took advantage of it or misbehave or anything instead she is sweet to everyone.

But Some employees are jealous of Arushi as they think Arushi took advantage of being  close to the upper management and  Suhana is one of them.

The sudden interruption hualted their  gossiping. Vikash Priyanka and Suman being aware of her jealousy didn't want to talk to her or reply her but Arushi being Arushi just let go of these things as somewhere she also agrees that she get certain privileges.

and Arushi replied" yes I am fine. How are you "

"How will I be, I just have to work, now I can't take long long leaves like you Aru , right? She replied a little louder than required, grabbing some attention

"Hmm" Arushi just hummed having no answers and become selfconscious
Having unwanted attention.

Other people started looking at her for reply and the few jealoused person started speaking in favor of Suhana.

Suhana smiled evilly as if her plan get succeed to insult Arushi.

Priyanka is just about to say something which can shut her mouth very well but just then Sameer came there.

Sameer is passing by while instructing someone on the phone, he tried to look at the table where Arushi usually sit with her friends. Though he found Arushi but she is looking uncomfortable and so many eyes are looking at her.

" What happened?" Sameer went there and asked to no one in particular

" Sir Suhana is accusing Management for giving long leaves to Arushi" Priyanka replied without leaving a single second for Suhana to think and say anything.

Suhana become flabbergasted as she never thought her plan would turned out like this.

" Is it true Suhana" he asked

"No sir. She is lieing "Suhana replied immediately

"Ask anyone sir. She just right now accused the management " Priyanka pointed at everyone in general while saying and few of them nods their head giving their consent.

" Do I have to check CCTV footage to know who is lying" Sameer asked Suhana

" No sir , I just said Arushi get so long leave" Suhana said after a pause.

" And how long leave " Sameer asked

"She is absent from one week sir" Suhana said

"Why do you think she get one week holiday?" Sameer asked

"Because she is close to upper management sir. She is taking advantage of that " Suhana blurted thinking that Sameer is taking her side by asking about her opinions

"What is your name?" He asked

"Sir Suhana, Suhana Agarwal"she replied proudly

"Oh yes daughter of Mr. Agarwal (Senior Manager)" Sameer guessed which turned out to be true when she nods her head in yes.

"Do you remember, you directly get in the Personal Interview round because you have your father's reference. Did not you take advantage of your network " he asked leaving no room for Suhana to say anything other than just nodding her head in yes.

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