Very Cute

720 63 5

Last chapters vote target is not complete yet but I am updating .

Every chapter is getting more than 300 view but not even 20% votes that is 60. Some chapter is even more then 500 view but vote are no difference.

So from now let's keep the vote target for every chapter and I am not increasing it with every chapter. Let's just set for 50 votes .

Hope you will full fill it.

Now enjoy reading.

The next day

While drinking coffee at nearby cafe Arushi told them about everything in brief and also what happened in the cabin with Manya excluding kissing but on one condition that they can't tell anyone .

"See Vikash she is still trying to persue him after everything." Suman said trying to help Vikash to get over a girl like her who is not good at all in her eyes

" I don't know why you even like her that much "Priyanka asked

But Vikash did not reply anything.
A waiter came with a bill, Vikash paid the bill as all girls already give him the cash. As he was leaving four of them said "Thank you "

Arushi raise her eyes from her friends to say thank you to the waiter . She looked at his face for few seconds but he is silently leaving.

She said "Yash "

( Yash is her tuition friend)

Hearing her calling his name, he smiled internally and turn around.

She remembered she has contact with other tuition friends but everybody lost contact to him including her and he also left the tuition soon after her marriage .

Arushi smiled brightly at him and asked " What are you doing here? "

" Just work " he said smiling at her

" Since when , we often come here but never saw you " she asked mentioning about her group

" just few days back " He replied

"Sir there is some mishap, please come " Other waiter came and said in between their talk.

" Please sit, I will come in a minute " He requested

" Yash don't worry, do your work. We will come again . Our lunch time is almost over " Arushi said and begin to leave from there .

Yash cannot do anything except noding his head.

While the way back to the company, Arushi shared " We were in same tuition. We became good friends in a very short time but then I got married and he leave the tuition and his phone number is out of service. So everyone lost contact of him. But it's good to see him here. He also wanted to open a restaurant. I guess he is going towards there by working at the cafe "

" BTW why did the other person call him sir when they were of equal status " Suman asked

" Maybe he is a senior" Priyanka said

" Did not he just mention that he start working there few days back then how did he become senior " Suman said on Priyankas dumb suggestion.

" He is not an employee. He is the boss he bought that cafe " VIkash answered

" What, but he is not from a very wealthy background. Infact he used to live in orphanage from childhood after his parents died in a car accident " she said in disbelief thinking how come suddenly he got all that money.

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