Chapter 2

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Another day at the office and I wouldn't have it any other way. Perched on the second level, I have a great view over the gym floor and swinging my chair around, I also have an uninterrupted view of the huge parkland across the street. My first boxing class just finished and despite really needing a shower, I settle in at my desk and sort through a few emails and schedule changes. Running 'Blackhawk' was always a dream of mine after leaving the military, and with a few reliable investments and my dad's good financial advice, my gym was up and running in a few short years. It catered to all sorts of people, young and old, trained boxers and self defence classes, mixed in with personal training and body fitness.

Recently I'd reconnected with an old mate of dad's and a detective at the local precinct. He came to me with an idea of supporting different and often forgotten members of the community. I'd agreed on a pilot program to give those that had been on the wrong side of the law, some motivation to stay away from any further illegal transgressions. A program entailing some work around the gym, as well as a rigorous training program to basically focus all of their energy on their fitness and bettering themselves in a healthy lifestyle environment.

I'd also agreed to help those that had been victims in some way in their lives. This program was a little more challenging, but I relished in the thought that my little gym could help someone through a tough time in their life. We held mixed and women's only self defence classes. Other programs catered to each individual case Detective Rogers brought to me and those that just walked in off the street. I had a grieving grandmother of five who just wanted to punch something once a week - the punching bag barely moved but she got her frustration out that her husband had passed away and left her before she was ready. Others were there to take back some power in their lives, victims of physical or emotional abuse. I was happy to help wherever I could.

I take a breather and swing my chair around for a bit of people watching over at the parklands. It was a bright sunny day, my windows let in a gentle breeze and there were plenty of people around enjoying the day - some families, joggers, couples eating on picnic rugs, dogs chasing sticks and the sounds of kids squealing and having a great time.

A large, dark SUV with tinted windows catches my eye. Not your typical car you'd see stopped at a park, and I noted that it was there again for the fourth day in a row. I'd only seen the driver once - small guy, dark hoodie, shady as fuck. I tapped my fingers on the desk as I thought about my next plan of action. I couldn't ignore the sinking feeling that my place was being watched by this prick, and although my security system was good, if someone was motivated enough to break in, they would. I didn't have much that would tempt a would be thief, but desperate people do desperate things for very little sometimes. And although I was against street violence, especially when innocent people were involved, I wasn't past teaching this fucker not to mess with me or my place, specifically with my fists.

Fuck it.

I shove my chair back, and head downstairs and out the back door. I circle around behind the SUV, squinting slightly in the sun, but was able to see the guy I wanted sitting in the front seat, familiar hoodie on and looking like his head was resting forward on the steering wheel. I only hoped that the stupid fuck had left his door unlocked. I quietly snuck up the side of the vehicle and kept in mind that I didn't want a huge scene given the number of people not too far away. But the car park was fairly big and the SUV was furthest away in the corner, a great little vantage point to scope out my place.

I crouched down further, hiding my tall frame as best I could, and gripped the door handle. Countdown from 3.... 2... 1 and I wrenched it open.

I fisted the front of his hoodie and yanked him out the door, no doubt giving him the surprise of his life. Just as his feet hit the ground I slammed him back into the side of the car...hard. I didn't give it my all - I wanted to shake him up, not kill the fucker. His hands instinctively shielded his face, as I drew my arm back, fist clenched and ready to rearrange his face a little. He squirmed and tried his best to wriggle out of my hold. Just as I honed in on his face, being the target of my first punch, the hoodie feel back slightly and a wave of brown hair spilled out and large brown eyes met mine. It was a girl.

I froze.

Her terrified eyes stared at me, then my fist. She tried twisting out of my hold but I was way too strong and she knew it.

Then the panic really set in. It felt like I went from pushing her against the car, to my forearm being the only thing holding her up. Her breathing increased tenfold and her whole body started trembling uncontrollably.

I dropped my fist, the anger no longer controlling my actions but I still didn't trust her or her motives for being here.

I stuck my finger threateningly right in her face.
"Are you fucking scoping my place out?" I growled at her.

She tries to kick me so I wedge my thigh between her legs, pressing more of me against her so she can't even move. I can feel her shaking all over.

She finds her tiny, frightened voice. It shakes as much as she is.

"Your... your..." Her eyes dart around, looking for a way out.

"My fucking place. The gym. Blackhawk. I've seen you here. Every fucking day. Watching my place. You gunna do me over, huh? Like fuck you are."

She looks at me with those big fucking browns, then glances across the street, realisation dawning about how this looks. How she looks. How fucking busted she is.

"R...R...Rogers..." she manages to whisper.


"T...t...take my phone.... Call him...Rogers," she can't stop the tears that are now rolling down her redenned cheeks.

I allow myself to relax my hold on her slightly, still not ready to let her move much. I make no subtlety in checking her over more closely. If she's telling the truth and Detective Rogers did send her, she could be recently out of prison and most likely on parole. Stupid move on her part to be acting like she's scoping out my place. But she doesn't look like any ex-con I've ever seen, all be-it I can literally feel her bones sticking out from under the hoodie.

I frisk her pockets and find her phone, hit the contacts, find one for Rogers and hit the call button and the speaker. I hold it up and away from her hand just in case she tries to grab it. I look back down at her and her head has dropped, her face hidden behind her hair, the shaking is still vibrating through her whole body. Two rings and he picks up.

"Hi sweetheart, how's it going today?" He speaks like a dad would to his daughter.

"Detective Rogers. It's Adam from Blackhawk. This woman claims you sent her my way. Is that true? Or is she some fucking ex-con looking to do my place over?"

"Adam. Fuck. Is she there?"

"She can hear you, yes."

"Sweetheart, it's going to be all okay. I promise. Is your car there?"

She looks at me like she's terrified to speak and provoke me any further. I nod at her that she can answer.


"Adam, just let her get in the fucking car okay. I'll explain everything. Just let her go. Please."

The pleading look in those big browns and Rogers reassurance that this might not be what I thought, eventually convinces me to loosen my grip. Her chest heaves and she slides herself towards the door, her eyes never leaving mine, like I'm the lion toying with my prey.

"Sweetheart get in the car and go straight home. I'll be there in ten minutes and help you get inside. Adam, I'll call you back."

I back completely away from her and she scrambles into the driver's seat. With shaking hands she closes the door and starts her up. With a quick glance at me, she exits out of the car park and drives away.

I let out a long breath. Fuck that was an intense few moments and if anything I just want some answers. My phone rings in my back pocket. Rogers.

"Who the fuck was that Rogers?" Not too subtle but my adrenaline is still pumping about this whole fucking situation.

"Remember that case I told you about a few weeks back? Violent home invasion? Well...that's her. She came to you for help...."

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