Chapter 18

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The following day, I'm at the gym early. I have to distract my racing mind, as I try not to think about the forensic lab results for the millionth time today. Rogers promised to update me, and I know his word is true, but I'm so fucking nervous and impatient. It seems crazy that after all this time, some solid evidence was missed during the initial investigation and examination of the house, and it's only just been found. If I had of moved out, the place would have been emptied, but no one but me would have realised the significance of the bat. If someone else had of found it, who knows what they may have done with it, or not done with it. Perhaps that's why I felt like I had to stay. Even though it broke my heart over and over, to live in our home where Finn was so brutally taken from me.

I haven't seen or spoken to Adam yet. I know I should explain why I didn't show up yesterday. I know he'll be supportive...because that's just the type of person he is. I know he's upstairs in his office so I decide to head on up after a warm down on the bike. I chose the closest bike to the back of the gym and place my drink bottle and towel down on the floor. The ad on the wall mounted tv finishes and the news headlines start, suddenly captivating my attention.

"Leading our coverage this morning is a stunning breakthrough in the brutal unsolved murder of Finn Davies..."

My mind completely freezes and my body follows into a state of shock and disbelief. I know the media ban is still firmly in place.

I'm safe.
I'm safe.
I'm totally fine and safe.

I look to the tv screen and a rushing feeling around me blocks out any other noises.

There's photos displayed next to the presenter. Of Finn. Of me. At the police station. Yesterday.

I'm not safe.

A voice breaks my attention away from the tv and the implications of my face being plastered all across the news for anyone to see.

The voice doesn't comfort me but instead sends chills of dread down my spine.

"Hey Cherries... nice to see you again."


My phone has been constantly ringing all god damn morning and it's still early. I haven't heard from Summer yet, after she bailed out on me yesterday with no explanation. I'm worried. I glance up from my desk and scan the gym floor, my shoulders relaxing slightly when I see her walking towards the bikes. One more email to deal with, and then I'll head on down and see if I can get her alone to talk for a bit.

I know she's keeping things from me and has been for a while. Mostly I think it's just her trying to balance her feelings, and it saddens and hurts me that she doesn't feel like she can't tell me. At first she held back just a drop, then it was a trickle and now it's a fucking torrent. I'm not sure how to help her, that hiding isn't helping, whether it's from me or Nikki or anyone. We are all there for her. She doesn't realise how valued she is and how much we love and appreciate having met her and that she is in our lives. The timid warrior in the massive hoodie, that crept into our lives and made it all so much better.

The other morning at my place was her classic in self preservation mode or self protection mode or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I never got the impression that she regretted anything about that night, but the way she retreated away from me was like she was expecting to see regret plastered across my face instead. I shake my head at that, as it makes me feel desperate for her to see how I feel about her. That I'm all in for her. For us. That I've been thinking about her and a tomorrow and a next month and the years that follow after that. I'm fucking falling for her that's for god damn sure. Best feeling ever.

My phone rings again and I'm drawn back to my desk.

It's Rogers.

"Hey Rogers...what's up?"

"Adam. Thank fuck. Have you seen Summer? Is she with you?" He sounds fucking agitated.

"Yeh, she's here at the gym. I've seen her but we haven't spoken yet. Why? What's wrong?" I need to know what the hell has got him so worked up.

"Turn on the fucking news Adam... and keep her in your line of sight."

"Leading our coverage this morning is a stunning breakthrough in the brutal unsolved murder of Finn Davies..."


We all glance at the tv coverage and the revolving photos of Finn and me. The images send ripples of grief through me like a wave. The fear is not far behind. A blinding crippling fear that will either make or break me.

I look away from the tv to Colt and Slade, who are both already staring menacingly at me.

My back hits the wall behind me and I slide to the floor, as I dial emergency services, my hands shaking as I lift the phone to my ear. Just as I do, noises drift up from the heating vent beside me. Angry voices from downstairs. Scuffling. Shouts. Muffled grunts. Crashes and the splintering of wood.

"Emergency Services. Which service do you require?"

I can't move. Or speak. I can only listen to the carnage unfolding downstairs in our home. I'm frightened by what I can hear. The shouting is loud...

"Fucking Cherries... you bastard! You broke my fucking arm! You're fucking dead... I'll fucking kill you for that..." the words are frightening but I can't block them out. I can hear furniture breaking, glass shattering, fists and weapons slapping against skin in a frenzied struggle.

In that instant we all know. We know what happened and by who. We all know who we are to each other.

And I'm fucking terrified.

I risk a fleeting glance up to the office, only to see Adam bursting through the door and looking directly at the three of us from the top of the stairs. Those disgusting excuses for human beings stare back and forth between themselves, formulating a plan, then look to me, then up to Adam, who is advancing on us fast, a fearsome determined look on his face.

I snap out of the second or two I spend staring at hurricane Adam hurtling toward us. I don't think of any real plans, only knowing that I'm in imminent danger if I stay where I am. The two men that I now know are responsible for the murder of my Finn are now fighting for their freedom, and the only thing in their way... is me. I need to move. so I just act on nothing but terror stricken instinct... and that means... I run.

The shouts and the sound of bodies coming for me, propel me away faster, as I crash my shoulder hard against the gym exit, flinging myself forward to get to the relative safety of my car. I slam the driver's door closed, lock it, shove my keys into the ignition and fucking floor it.

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