Chapter 26

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Dear Mia piccola ladra,

I've been calling you that for a while now and it occurred to me that you might not even know what it means...'my little thief.' When I first laid eyes on you I thought you were scoping the gym out, looking for your opportunity to break in and steal from me. What a first meeting that was!

Well you did break in but it wasn't into the gym. It was into my life. And I'm so grateful you did. You are little, always swamped in those huge hoodies you hide behind, but I see you under there. And I can only hope and dream that one day soon, I can call you mine.

I fucking miss you.

I've been told that you're doing okay. I'm so insanely proud of you. In more ways than you think.

I'll never question your actions or scrutinise your decisions on that day when you pointed a weapon at those arseholes. It upsets me to think about how incredibly difficult that scenario was for you and the events leading up to it. But regardless of the situation, I'm proud that you are taking responsibility for those actions. A lesser person would have pleaded and protested their innocence, but you didn't. You took the repercussions on the chin and now I've heard you're taking back the control. Bettering and strengthening your mental health in a way that will make yourself proud of you. And for that reason you are without a doubt the bravest person I know.

Did I mention I fucking miss you?

I hope you like your flowers. Ms Gallon in the main office has been accommodating with my reminder to you that I am thinking of you today, tomorrow and always. I would love to know what your favourite flower is?

I know why you pushed me away in that hospital room. I'm not gonna lie to you - that really fucking hurt. It took me a long while to really figure it out and then some more time to decide if I should want this. And I want you to know that I do want this. We are complicated and messy and the next little while will be hard. But I refuse to let this go. I refuse for this time apart to break us. I refuse to not stop fighting. I refuse to believe that we were not meant to have more time together and a story that has a happy ending. You are my happy ending.

God I really do miss you.

Your reaction or reply to my letters is always up to you. I will continue to write to you from our spot on the hillside, overlooking town. The place where I feel closest to you.

I miss you.

Forever Yours
Adam x

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