Chapter 16

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I have never felt so panicked in all my life. I have been in life and death situations in the military more times than I care to remember, but this filled me with more terror than I thought possible. When mum called me and said that Summer was in the hospital, I thought my world was about to stop turning. I couldn't possibly fathom that anything bad could happen to someone so selfless. But something bad did happen, and I hightailed it so fast to that hospital my head was spinning.

I reach room 2187 and push it open slightly, hearing Summer's shaky, quiet voice. I stop and wait.

"...I'm ... just so sorry. I feel so stupid...and...and I've wasted so much of your time."

What the actual fuck?

She's sorry for having a PTSD panic induced anxiety attack.

She feels stupid for experiencing something she has little to no control over.

She feels like she's a waste of time.

I have to put an absolute fucking stop to this thought process right now. Does she not know how incredible she is? Caring. Strong. Brave. Beautiful. I push the door open to see my mum sitting by the hospital bed, holding Summer's hand in hers, shaking her head.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be, my sweet girl. I'm here for you, however you need me, for as long as you want, but you need to believe me when I say, it's the very least you deserve."

My mum. God love her.

I clear my throat and their heads swivel, my eyes locking on Summer's. She frowns at me, looking unsure. And that's the thing isn't it? She's lost. Her mind is pulling her in so many different directions and she can't possibly filter out the good from the bad. The rational from the irrational. The calm and the storm. So I need to try harder for her, to make sure I convince her in every possible way that she is worth... well. I know what she's worth but the question is really, how much am I willing to admit right now? That with every single day that goes by, she becomes more and more important to me, in every single way. But she's probably not in any sort of right headspace to hear my confession just yet.

"Mia piccola ladra," my voice is quiet and I smile at her beautiful browns, trying to reassure her that she's not alone in this. She gives me a weak smile back and I move closer to her bedside. Mum gets up from her chair and gives us some space.

"...Can I...can I hold you?" I ask tentatively.

She takes in a big huff of breath, she bites her bottom lip to stop it from wobbling and gently gives me a tiny nod. After some awkward manoeuvring, we settle comfortably on the hospital bed. She's tucked firmly at my side, my arm resting against her back, her head resting against my chest. She lets out a quiet sigh and her shoulders sink a little as she finally relaxes. I kiss her head, breathing in the scent of her and my hand rubs circles over her lower back, just above her arse. We are quiet, just letting the peace of silence wash over us, knowing that soon we'll need to talk about what happened, the how and the why.

The doctors and nurses flitter in and out of the room, checking on her vitals and keeping her in for observation for a few more hours. Nikki eventually arrives which unfortunately only adds to Summer's overall feelings about the whole ordeal, that she's sorry for wasting everyone's time. Nikki stares at her with disbelief, mixed with a bit of exasperation and annoyance.

"I'm your fucking friend Summer. And friends are there for each other, no matter what or when," she almost scolds her. I frown at my cousin and give her my best, WTF look. As if Summer isn't doing it hard enough right now, to then cop a tongue lashing as well. But Nikki just tells it straight no matter the circumstances I guess.

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