Chapter 19

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By process of elimination and some basic gut instinct, we all charge as fast as we can to her house. She hightailed it out of the gym and I tried to block those fuckers path, but was very aware of the potential danger to myself and my clients in the gym. The frantic few details that Rogers was able to tell me on the phone, explained the critical evidence that Summer had found yesterday. Unfortunately, some rogue reporter had snapped photos of her at the station, had done some digging into her background, ignored the court orders preventing the publishing or distribution of her image and plastered it all over the news. The uneasy feeling I'd had about Colt and Slade from the very beginning had proven to be true. Summer had also reacted badly to them and now I'll fucking curse myself for not trusting in my own instincts more and doing something about it. There was no doubt in my mind that they were responsible for Finn's murder, and my Summer now stood in the way of their freedom. The evidence was there, but her testimony would undoubtedly seal their fate and lock them away for a very long time.

Looks like I'm last to the party. I'm reassured by the fact that Rogers unmarked patrol car is parked haphazardly in the driveway, that backup is here if shit really goes sideways. I move quickly through the front door, taking cautious steps as I haven't been inside the house before, and don't know the layout.

Sounds of harsh words and strained grunting reach me and as I turn the corner, I'm relieved to see both scumbags on their fucking knees, cuffed and restrained by Rogers and his partner. I breathe out a massive sigh of relief, the adrenaline rush finally able to subside somewhat. The thoughts of what could have happened as I crazily drove here, weighed down on me, almost sending me into full blown panic. I had only just realised what Summer meant to me and the thought of losing her... I just couldn't even imagine. I hadn't even told her how I felt about her, that she had found her way into my life, my mind and my heart. That I had completely fallen for her, and I've never felt happier. I just couldn't wait to speak to her and hopefully have her in my arms again.

Rogers and I make eye contact and smile in that shared relief, the sound of more sirens in the background approaching the house.

"Where is she...?" I ask Rogers, anticipating that he had already confirmed her exact whereabouts and that her safety was assured.

We all turn to the sound of a gun clicking, loaded and ready.

"Put the fucking weapon down!"

"Summer, what are you doing?!"

"Fucking do it cherries, fucking do it you pussy!"

"Kingston lower your god damn weapon! She's no threat!"

"Not until she fucking lowers hers first!"

"Summer, don't do this! Please give me the gun!"

"Put your weapon down or I will fucking shoot you!"

"Yeh, fucking shoot her! She'll die right where that other prick did!"

"Don't. You. Speak. About. Him!"

"Back up! Back up! Back the fuck up!"

"Summer! Summer! They're not worth it! Don't do it please!"

"This is your last fucking warning lady! Drop it. Drop it right the fuck now!"

"No! No! No! Back off. Right now!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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