Chapter 14

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Kissing her feels so damn good. My hand angles her jaw, just how I want her. Her hand clutches my shirt, bunching it up in her small fist. Her lips are soft and wet and move perfectly with mine. She lets out the most beautiful quiet sigh and I smile into our kiss, our lips never not touching.

We lazily explore each other's mouths mixed with soft breaths and gentle teasing of our tongues. Her fist lets go of the hold on my shirt as she relaxes more, and she moves one hand flat to my chest, the other roams around the back of my neck, her fingers playing with my hair. It's sending bolts of sensation all over my body, my cock beginning to strain in my pants, but I try not to move my hips any closer. I don't want to push her too much and fuck anything up. But, fuck I want more.

I brave it and raise the intensity, one hand still on her jaw, lightly brushing over her cheek and neck. My other hand rubs circles across her back, but I can't fucking help myself and reach further down to her arse, lightly at first and then after a few seconds I grab her harder. At the same time I open my mouth further and kiss her deeply, demanding to taste her more, pushing into her completely with my tongue.

We both breath hard through our noses, and then it's no quiet sigh, fuck no... this time she lets out a deep vibrating moan, and it almost brings me undone. I rip myself away from her mouth and she opens those beautiful browns in confusion.

"You okay?" I'm literally panting into her mouth, quickly roaming my eyes over her face, gauging her reaction, making absolutely sure that she's good with this.

She smiles almost shyly, fucking bites her lip and gives me a little nod. With the small amount of distance between us she slides her hand down my chest and stomach, stopping tentatively at the hem of my shirt. She looks at me, like she's gonna wrench out my soul, before trailing those wicked fingers under my shirt. The touch of her hand on my bare skin sets those bolts erupting fucking everywhere over my body. I suck in a breath of air like my life depends on it and I close my eyes, almost overwhelmed with how fucking good it feels. She explores with that one warm hand all across my chest, fast and slow, circles and dips, back and forth as I try not blow my load in my pants.

"Fuck... that feels so good," I barely get the words out before she surprises me by pressing her mouth hard against mine.

It's like a weird game of poker. One of us raises the stakes a little higher, and tests to see if the other will match it. Well I'm all fucking in, that's for damn sure. We keep kissing harder, more tongue, more of her hand on me, shorter breaths and chesty moans reverberate around us. I pull her closer to me, using my leverage on her arse to carefully swivel my hips against hers, knowing that she'll feel my cock against her. She gives a gorgeous tiny squeak, and I smile against her mouth, opening my eyes to see hers still tightly closed.

"Fucking hell Summer...feel what you do to me..." her eyes open and she stares at me. A few seconds tick past as if she's contemplating what she wants. Her mind is made up and her hand reaches around to my back, gripping me firmly, as she moves her own hips and grinds right back into me.

"Oh...fuck..." the bolts zing out of control as her body moves against mine, only a few pesky layers of clothing separating us. And fuck, it feels almost too good. Like I'm going to spontaneously combust any second.

My hands slide up her back and she arches herself into me, the feeling of her body against mine is utterly divine. I bury my hands in her long hair, not giving one single shit how messy I make it. Our tongues continue to explore, little fires of arousal ignite all over me as I happily lose myself in this moment. I'm completely in the here and now, but I briefly wonder why the fuck I waited so long to kiss this amazing girl? She's taking me places I've never been before and I already know that wherever she goes, I will definitely follow.

I feel the exact moment that she draws herself out of the kiss, her hands slow, her body shifts away ever so slightly. Initially, I follow her and try and gently coax her back to me. She feels so damn good when she let's go and loses herself to the sensation of just her and I. Our bodies pressed together. Our hands and mouths exploring and learning each other. I don't pursue her too far, knowing that her mind has begun to override her bodies reaction to my touch. That she is thinking with that overactive brain, more than she's feeling the pull of arousal. And I never, ever want her to regret this, so I pull away from her, but keep my hands in her hair.

She blinks a few times and finally studies me with those gorgeous browns, like she's trying to figure out what to say, anything to fill the silence. I don't mind waiting. Not uttering a damn word, happy to bask for a little longer in everything that is her.

"... I... umm...," she trips over her words but I just smile wider as her eyes search my face and a blush reddens her cheeks. My hands brush down the length of her hair and goosebumps appear on her arms.

"...That was...umm... so nice." As soon as the words leave her talented mouth she gives me a mortified look, like all she wants to do is shove them back in. She musters up an awkward smile.


Mum's homemade lasagna is nice.

Finding twenty bucks in your jeans pocket is nice.

Warm sand in your toes at the beach is nice.

Sticking my tongue down Summer's throat is not fucking nice.

Grabbing Summer's arse while sticking my tongue down her throat is not fucking nice.

Running my hands through Summer's hair and hearing her moan is really not fucking nice.

Nice! Really...! Really...!

More like... fucking hot. Sexy. Tempting. Addictive. Captivating.

Her cheeks are so damn red, I can't help but grin at her obvious embarrassment, us both knowing that kiss was so much more than nice. She closes her eyes and shakes her head, letting out a little puff of breath, before opening her eyes once more and smiling, and then I hear it...

Better than her little sigh, or her tiny squeak, or her throaty moan... it's her laughter.

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